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当前,电力市场化改革正快速推进,各项工作取得明显进展,电改综合试点已覆盖全国29个省(区、市),跨区域、省级电力交易中心基本建立,发用电计划、竞争性环节电价不断放开,输配电价改革全面推开,配售电侧改革引爆社会。在今年的全国两会上,见证了火电行业发展变迁的全国人大代表、中国国电集团公司湖南分公司总经理刘定军针对当前电改中凸显的突出问题,提出了自己的见解和建议,认为应健全沟通机制,坚持电改市场化方向,充分调动各市场主体参与改革的积极性,同时,应高度重视火电行业的基础地位,进一步完善更为精准的配套措施,维护火电行业的合理利益和诉求,促进火电行业的健康发展。现全文刊发,以飨读者。 At present, the electricity market reform is advancing rapidly and significant progress has been made in various fields. The pilot pilot project on electric power reform has covered 29 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country, basically established cross-regional and provincial electricity trading centers, planned power generation and competition Sexual link prices continue to be liberalized, the transmission and distribution price reform in full swing, the electricity distribution side of the market detonated the society. At this year’s NPC and CPPCC meeting, Liu Dingjun, NPC deputy who witnessed the development of thermal power industry and the general manager of Hunan Branch of China Guodian Corporation, put forward his own opinions and suggestions in light of the prominent problems in the current electricity reform. He believes that communication should be improved Mechanism, adhere to the electricity reform marketization direction, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the market participants to participate in the reform, at the same time, should attach great importance to the thermal power industry’s basic position, to further improve the more precise matching measures to safeguard the legitimate interests of the thermal power industry and the demands of promoting thermal power The healthy development of the industry. The full text is published to readers.
1996年10月1日开始试行的《企业职工工伤保险试行办法》第八条第八款规定:“因公外出期间,由于工作原因,遭受交通事故或其他意外事故造成伤害或者失 October 8, 1996 Trial Imp
本文所说的附带民事诉讼,是指企业法人或国家机关的工作人员在生产经营或执行职务过程中,违背所属单位的委托,发生刑事犯罪行为而引起的附带民事诉讼。 在重大责任事故、交通
本文分析了电力市场的营销环境,针对我国电力市场存在的问题进行分析,并结合我国电力市场面临的新挑战进行了阐述。 This article analyzes the marketing environment of t
1.Why don’t you get her a scarf?你为什么不给她买条围巾呢?Whydon’t you dosth?为什么不做某事呢?表示商量和给对方的建议,否定式疑问显得更委婉,更容易为对方所接受。