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本文在新经济地理学的理论指导下,运用面板计量分析的方法,考察了外商直接投资、政府对教育事业及基础建设的投资、区域产业份额等因素对我国不同地区间经济差距的影响,利用1978-2010年的分析数据进行实证检验提出了改善区域投资软硬环境、加大教育投入及人力资本的提升及加强区域合作等缩小地区差距的政策启示。 Under the guidance of the theory of new economic geography, this paper uses the panel measurement method to examine the impact of foreign direct investment, government investment in education and infrastructure, regional industry share and other factors on the economic disparity between different regions in China. The empirical analysis of the analysis data from 1978 to 2010 put forward the policy implications for reducing the regional disparities, such as improving the soft and hard environment for regional investment, increasing investment in education and human capital, and strengthening regional cooperation.
Fang Shaolan,from Huangshan City of central Anhui Province,arrived in northeast China's coastal Dalian City on July 27 for a vacation with seven family members
【摘要】本文利用多元线性回归,采用2009年数据对我国不同地区人均收入差距进行分析,发现人均实物资本、对外贸易程度和城镇化水平是各地区人均收入差距的主要影响因素,而人力资本、政府政策等影响因素在减弱。  【关键词】地区收入差距 影响因素 人均实物资本  一、引言  改革开放的初期几年内,我国居民各地区人均收入差距呈逐步下降趋势,但随着1985年之后农村经济改革的深入发展,以及对城市改革的不断推进,
The Chinese Government promises private investors a bigger role in the country’s booming industry sector Encouraging and guiding healthy development of private
China's biggest aluminum producer Aluminum Corp.China Ltd.(Chalco) signed a binding agreement with the world's second largest mining company,Rio Tinto,on July
【摘要】近年来,“金融资源”这个词汇在学术研究中出现的频率相当高,尽管金融资源的概念得到诸多专家、学者和专业人士的普遍认同,普通民众的金融意识也得到提高,但是如何对金融资源的含义加以科学的规范却很少有人研究。本文以金融资源论作为理论出发点来研究如何实现沈阳经济区金融一体化。  【关键词】金融资源 经济区 金融一体化  一、引言  金融资源的分布存在非均质、不连续的特征,这可以称为地域禀赋差异,直接
For centuries,northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was a prominent fulcrum on the Silk Road,an ancient trade route linking China and the Western wor
The frigid job market since the financial crisis in 2008 is thawing,according to the latest quarterly report on global job trends from London-based headhunter
【摘要】本文通过分析东莞移动网络运维成本的特点及其现状,提出网络运维成本优化的新方法,即以精简代维、精准代维、高效代维、集中代维为核心的“整合型代维管理模式”,从而实现提升成本资源使用效益的目标。  【关键词】精简代维 精准代维 高效代维 集中代维  一、研究背景  3G牌照发放、电信运营商重组后,通信行业开始进入全业务竞争时代,通信市场发展也趋于成熟和饱和,收入增速明显放缓;受08年金融危机的影