Factors predisposing to severe acute pancreatitis:evaluation and prevention

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ciancomjy
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AIM:TO analyze factors predisposing to the infectionsassociated with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) and to workout ways for its prevention.METHODS:Total 208 cases of SAP treated in this hospitalfrom Jan.1980 to Dec.2001 were retrospectively analyzed.RESULTS:Statistical difference in the incidence of theaforementioned infections was found between the followingpairs:between the groups of bloody or non-bloody ascites,paralytic ileus lasting shorter or longer than 5 days,Ransonscores lower or higher than 5,hematocrit lower or higherthan 45%,CT Balthazar scores lower or higher than 7 andbetween 1980.1-1992.6 or 1992.7-2001.12 admissions(X~2>3.84,P<0.05),while no statistical difference wasestablished between the groups of biliogenic and non-biliogenic pancreatitis,serum amylase <200 U/L and≥200U/L,serum calcium <2 mmol/L and ≥2 mmol/L or groupsof total parenteral nutrition shorter or longer than 7 days(X~2<3.84,P>0.05).CONCLUSION:Occurrence of infection in patients withSAP is closely related with bloody ascites,paralytic ileus≥5 days,Ranson scores≥5,hematocrit≥45% and CTBalthazar Scores≥7,but not with pathogens,serumcalcium and total parenteral nutrition (TPN).Comprehensiveprevention of pancreatic infection and practice ofindividualized therapy contribute to reducing the incidenceof infection. AIM: TO analyze factors predisposing to the infectionsassociated with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) and to workout ways for its prevention. METHODS: Total 208 cases of SAP treated in this hospital from Jan.1980 to Dec.2001 were retrospectively analyzed .RESULTS: Statistical difference in the incidence of the aforementioned infections was found between the following pairs: between the groups of bloody or non-bloody ascites, paralytic ileus lasting shorter or longer than 5 days, Ransonscores lower or higher than 5, hematocrit lower or higherthan 45%, CT Balthazar scores lower or higher than 7 and between 1980.1-1992.6 or 1992.7-2001.12 admissions (X ~ 2> 3.84, P <0.05), while no statistical difference wasestablished between the groups of biliogenic and non-biliogenic pancreatitis, serum amylase <200 U / L and ≥200U / L, serum calcium <2mmol / L and ≥2mmol / L or groupsof total parenteral nutrition shorter or longer than 7 days (X ~ 2 <3.84, P> 0.05) .CONCLUSION: Occurrence of infection in patients with SAPP is closely re lated with bloody ascites, paralytic ileus≥5 days, Ranson scores≥5, hematocrit ≥45% and CTBalthazar Scores ≥7, but not with pathogens, serumcalcium and total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Comprehensive previous of pancreatic infection and practice of inidualized therapy contribute to reducing the incidence of infection.
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