Research on Strong Earthquake Tendency on Active Tectonic Block Boundaries in the Chinese Mainland

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuuxia
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Previous studies have shown that the active tectonic block boundaries in the Chinese mainland are the main belts and concentration areas of strong earthquakes occurring in the Chinese mainland.It is essential to carry out follow-up analysis of strong earthquake risk of active tectonic block boundaries.In this paper,we carry out the analysis on the tendency of strong earthquakes along each active tectonic block boundary from three aspects respectively,including the evolutionary characteristics of the Load/Unload Response Ratio time series,the probability method based on the log-normal distribution function,and variation of b value.The estimation of strong earthquake criticality on each active tectonic block boundary is done based on the evolutionary characteristics of the Load/Unload Response Ratio time series,the cumulative probability and conditional probability,and the decrease of the b value.Finally,according to the results of analyses on the above three aspects,the potential strong earthquake areas in the forthcoming 5 years in the Chinese mainland are discussed. Previous studies have shown that the active tectonic block boundaries in the Chinese mainland are the main belts and concentration areas of strong earthquakes occurring in the Chinese mainland. It is essential to carry out follow-up analysis of strong earthquake risk of active tectonic block boundaries. In this paper, we carry out the analysis on the tendency of strong earthquakes along each active tectonic block boundary from three factors respectively, including the evolutionary characteristics of the Load / Unload Response Ratio time series, the probability method based on the log-normal distribution function, and variation of b value. The estimation of strong earthquake criticality on each active tectonic block boundary is done based on the evolutionary characteristics of the Load / Unload Response Ratio time series, the cumulative probability and conditional probability, and the decrease of the b value.Finally, according to the results of analyzes on the above three aspects, the potential strong earthquake areas in the forthcoming 5 years in the Chinese mainland are discussed.
摘 要:朗读,是语文阅读教学中最经常最重要的训练。它对理解课文内容、发展语言、陶冶情感都起着十分重要的作用。因此,在进行朗读训练时,要指导得法,让学生有的放矢地读、有层次地读、有比较地读,读出味道、读中求解,真正发挥读的作用。  关键词:小学语文;语文教学;朗读教学;策略探讨  朗读教学是小学语文教学的精华部分,可以培养学生对语言的领悟能力,对感情的感悟能力,正确抒发感情的技巧以及提高学生的阅读与
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摘 要:小学语文是一门基础性学科,阅读则是语文学习中的最基本训练,是学生必须掌握的一项技能,同时也是素质教育中的核心部分。现今,传统教学中教师单向传递知识的方式已经不能够满足学生的学习需求,教师应充分尊重学生的主体地位,在阅读训练中积极培养学生的创造性阅读能力。本文就小学语文教学中的阅读训练进行了研究分析。  关键词:小学;语文教学;阅读训练  新课标中明确要求教师充分注重小学生的阅读训练,培养其
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