
来源 :分子植物育种 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangxz
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锌指蛋白是一类重要的转录因子,在植物应对外界生物和非生物胁迫的过程中起着极为重要的调节作用。基于二倍体雷蒙德氏棉基因组数据库,本研究从抗枯萎病、耐黄萎病的转基因抗虫棉品种鲁棉研32号中克隆到棉花锌指蛋白类基因Gh CHP。序列分析表明,Gh CHP基因的开放阅读框长度为720 bp,编码239个氨基酸,预测的蛋白质等电点为9.12。通过与其它植物锌指蛋白的序列进行聚类和比对分析,发现Gh CHP与拟南芥的AT2g16050和小麦的Ta CHP极为相近,其中两个保守的C1结构域呈典型的锌指结构。实时荧光定量PCR检测表明,Gh CHP在经过不同胁迫处理的棉花根和叶中的表达模式存在差异。PEG、Na Cl、H2O2、低温和黄萎病菌侵染处理均对Gh CHP的表达产生较大影响,表明Gh CHP可能在棉花生物和非生物胁迫响应中起重要的调控作用,是棉花品种抗逆性分子改良的重要候选基因。 Zinc finger protein is a kind of important transcription factor, plays an extremely important regulatory role in the process of plants dealing with external biological and abiotic stresses. Based on the diploid cotton genome database of Raymond, we cloned the cotton zinc finger protein gene Gh CHP from the resistant and resistant Verticillium dahliae variety Lumianyan 32. Sequence analysis showed that the open reading frame of Gh CHP gene was 720 bp, encoding 239 amino acids. The predicted protein isoelectric point was 9.12. By clustering and aligning with the sequences of other plant zinc finger proteins, we found that Gh CHP is very similar to AT2g16050 of Arabidopsis thaliana and Ta CHP of wheat, and the two conserved C1 domains are typical zinc finger structures. Real-time PCR showed that the expression patterns of Gh CHP in roots and leaves of cotton under different stress treatments were different. PEG, NaCl, H2O2, low temperature and Verticillium dahliae infection all had a significant effect on the expression of Gh CHP, indicating that Gh CHP may play an important regulatory role in the biotic and abiotic stress responses of cotton, An important candidate gene for molecular improvement.
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