Artificial fingerprints can hack into one third of smartphones 人造指纹可解锁1/3的智能手机

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  Artificial fingerprints have been developed by researchers who said they could one day be used to hack into(侵入) everyday devices. Re?
  searchers from New York University and Michigan State University successfully generated what they called “Deep Master Prints” earlier this year. These are machine?learning methods that act as a kind of “master key” which have the potential to unlock around one in three fingerprint?protected smartphones.
  In the paper released in October, the authors said artificial fingerprints could be “used by an adversary(对手) to launch an attack...that can compromise the security of a fingerprint?based recognition system”.
  “Phones and many more devices dont cap?ture your entire fingerprint,” the researchers said. “Theres not enough space on the device, so they capture a partial fingerprint—which is not as secure as the full image. People assume the device stitches(缝补) images of their fingerprint together, but thats not really what happens—it keeps sets of partial fingerprints.”
  For each finger stored in place of a password, the device keeps multiple images. If someone then uses their finger to unlock that device, they only need to match one of the partial fingerprint images on its security system.
  Many developers were already making fingerprint scanners more secure by moving sensors from devices buttons to screens, allowing them to pick up higher resolution images.
  “Some smartphones have the sensors on the side buttons, which are very thin—theyre convenient but less secure,” the researchers said. “Their sensors only register a quarter or so of the fingerprints features.”
  Most smartphones give users the option to set up fingerprint recognition as a way to access their device, as well as a way to verify payments and unlock bank accounts. Amazons UK site offers more than 2,000 products relating to fingerprint security, including padlocks and safes.
  Reading Check
  1.Why do many devices fail to capture the users entire fingerprint?
  A.The device can stitch images of the users fingerprint together.
  B.The device doesnt have enough space for the fingerprint.
  C.The device can record only parts of the users fingerprint.
  D.The device can compromise the security of a recognition system.
  2.What does the underlined word “verify” in the last paragraph most probably mean?
  A.Confirm. B.Produce.
  C.Exchange. D.Copy.
  Language Study
  Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text
  1.develop v. 發展;开发
  2.generate v. 产生
  3.compromise v. 使陷入危险 n. 安全
  5.capture v. 捕捉
  6.partial adj. 部分的
  7.multiple adj. 多种多样的
  Ⅱ.Difficult sentence
  These are machine?learning methods that act as a kind of “master key” which have the potential to unlock around one in three fingerprint?protected smartphones.这些机器学习方法作为一种“万能钥匙”,有可能解锁三分之一的受指纹保护的智能手机。
  【点石成金】本句是一个复合句。These are
  machine?learning methods是主句,that act as a kind of “master key”是定语从句修饰methods,which have the potential to...也是定语从句修饰“master key”,to unlock...是动词不定式短语作定语。
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[中图分类号]:I206 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-2139(2016)-11-0-01  自古以来,女性形象在古今中外作家的笔下显得分外多样化,而在中国古代文学作品女性形象的画廊中,《红楼梦》里的尤三姐打破了传统女性形象的固有模型,以刚烈的个性反抗封建社会对女性的摧残与压抑,在悲剧与喜剧的论证下重构女性价值体系,充分展现了女性独立意识的觉醒。  古代文学作品中的女性形象,突出
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