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1512年的寒冬,沈九娘紧紧握着唐伯虎的手,道:“承你不弃,娶我为妻,本想尽我心力持好家务,你专心于诗画。但我无福,无寿,又无能,我快死了,望你保重。”听了这番话,42岁的唐伯虎禁不住泪如雨下。后来的日子里,唐伯虎一个人带着刚刚5岁的女儿桃笙过着艰难的生活。桃笙是唐伯虎和爱妻沈九娘唯一的女儿,她的名字取自唐伯虎在苏州自建的住所桃花坞,著名的《桃花庵歌》描写的 In the winter of 1512, Shen Jiu Niang clutched Tang Bohu’s hand tightly and said: “You will not give up and marry me as my wife. I tried my best to do my housework, and you are absorbed in poetry and painting. But I am not blessed with no life , And incompetent, I am almost dead, hope you take care of. ”" After listening to these words, 42-year-old Tang Bohu could not help but burst into tears. Later in the day, Flirt had a hard life with his daughter Pei Sheng, just 5 years old. Peach Blossom is the only daughter of Tang Bohu and his wife, Shen Jiamiang. Her name is taken from the famous Peach Blossom Tree song by Tang Bohu, a self-built house in Suzhou,