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江泽民总书记曾指出,要由浅入深,坚持不懈地对青少年学生和广大群众进行中国近代史、现代史及国情教育。这是增强民族自尊、自信、自强精神,保证我国社会主义现代化建设顺利进行,抵御国内外敌对势力和平演变阴谋,培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义新人的一项基础工作。 为了贯彻落实江泽民同志这一重要指示,结合云南实际,省委宣传部考虑到在大中学生和青年干部、职工较集中的昆明地区建立近现代史及国情教育基地,并会同昆明市委、省教委、省文化厅对昆明地区近现代史遗址、遗迹进行了调查研究和实地考察,确定了昆明地区近现代史教育方面的7个点和红军长征过云南的“一条线”,国情教育的5个点。 从本期起,我们将以图文的形式介绍这些近现代史及国情教育基地。 General Secretary Jiang Zemin pointed out that it is necessary to educate the young students and the broad masses of the Chinese modern history, the modern history and the education on the national conditions from shallow to deep and persevere. This is a basic task of enhancing the national spirit of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-reliance, ensuring the smooth progress of China’s socialist modernization, resisting the peaceful evildoers of conspiracy at home and abroad, and cultivating new socialist people with ideals, morals, culture and discipline . In order to implement Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important instruction and Yunnan’s actual situation, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee considered the establishment of modern and state education base in Kunming, where large numbers of middle school students and young cadres and workers are more concentrated. Together with Kunming Municipal Party Committee, The Provincial Department of Culture conducted a survey and field investigation of the sites and relics of the modern history in Kunming, determined 7 points in education of modern history in Kunming and the “one line” of the Red Army marching across Yunnan, 5 points of national education . Starting from this issue, we will introduce these modern history and national education bases in graphic form.
一九三四年春天,江苏省教育厅编审室主任易君左写了一本《闲话扬州》,由上海中华书局出版,不料却引发了扬州各界人士的不满,还打起了官司。 最后易君左在报纸上登启事,向扬
世界上最重的火炮是第二次世界大战中德国制造的一门重达1344吨的“法兰克福”巨炮。 这门最重的炮口径800毫米,炮长29米,能发射重4.8吨的炮弹,最大射程为55公里。据说该炮