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2002年《中华人民共和国测绘法》修订施行至今,已是第10个年头了。此间,湖南测绘地理信息事业遭遇前所未有之大发展、大变革。据不完全统计,近几年测绘地理信息新型服务业态保持了20%以上的增长率。恰逢8·29全国测绘法宣传日来临之际,今年的主题是“庆祝《中华人民共和国测绘法》修订颁布10周年。”这10年间,湖南省测绘法制建设现状如何?变化如何?下一步做大做深做强的方向在哪里?都是我们应该驻足深思的问题。 The revision of “Surveying and Mapping Law of the People’s Republic of China” in 2002 has been implemented for the tenth year now. During this period, the geographic information industry in Hunan has experienced unprecedented changes and great changes. According to incomplete statistics, in recent years, the new format of geographic information service for surveying and mapping has maintained a growth rate of over 20%. Coincides with the advent of the 8-29 National Day of Surveying and Mapping, the theme of this year is “Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Revision of the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People’s Republic of China.” "In the past 10 years, what is the status quo of the legal system of surveying and mapping in Hunan Province? The next step bigger and stronger and stronger direction? Where are we should pause for thought.
Biocorrosion, as well as the biodeterioration of crude oil and its derivatives, is one of the major environmental, operational and economic problems in the Vene
鼻咽癌(Nasopharyngeal carcinoma,NPC)为耳鼻咽喉部常见的恶性肿瘤,由于其原发部位隐蔽,临床表现复杂,早期症状不明显,如不重视,常易误诊.我院1991年8月~1999年12月共诊断鼻