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关于有组织犯罪的基础观念是决定一国惩治有组织犯罪法治的基本面貌及其效果的深层次问题,值得认真研究。本文悉心考证美国有组织犯罪狭义观念的历史背景后发现:20世纪30年代至70年代,美国官方以及社会中主流的有组织犯罪狭义观念是特定历史条件下的事实依据缺乏、种族偏见思想以及实证研究游离于法治发展体制之外等三个主要因素所导致的“认识怪胎”!20世纪80年代之后,美国社会在深刻反思此前的有组织犯罪狭义观念的基础上自觉确立了有组织犯罪的广义认识。就我国而言,确立广义的有组织犯罪概念是因应有组织犯罪发展演变的基本规律、贯彻落实“打早打小”专门刑事政策以及借鉴美国等国经验教训的必然要求。 The basic concept of organized crime is a deep-seated issue that determines the basic appearance of the rule of law in organized crime in an individual country and its effectiveness and deserves careful study. After careful examination of the historical background of the narrow concept of organized crime in the United States, this article finds that: from the 1930s to the 1970s, the narrow sense of the mainstream organized crime in the U.S. government and in society was the lack of factual basis under certain historical conditions, the idea of ​​racial prejudice and evidence Study free from the rule of law in the development of the system and other three major factors led to the “Cognitive freaks ”! After the 1980s, American society in the deep reflection on the previous narrow sense of organized crime on the basis of consciously established organized The general understanding of crime. For our part, establishing the concept of a broadly defined organized crime is the inevitable requirement of responding to the basic law of the development and evolution of organized crime, implementing the special criminal policy of “fighting small but beating early” and learning from the experiences and lessons of the United States and other countries.
曾经有一个人雨夜里送迷路的小朋友回家曾经有一个人在工作间隙为码头工人装卸曾经有一个人在出差千里的火车上做好事 Once there was a kid who had lost his way in the
1.李小立穿着厚厚的太空褛,仍不时一阵哆嗦,眼睛一刻也没离开手中的书——美国的本特利·利特写的恐怖小说《小镇惊魂》。 1. Li Xiaoli was wearing a thick space cymbal
没自知之明 “啪!”一双修长的手压住了我正在看的书,那枚套在左手我皱皱眉头,抬起眼帘,一张熟悉得不能再熟悉的面孔落入眼中,我瞪着对方,“以后少戴这个戒指!” 夏季扬起牲