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党的十四大已把机构改革郑重地提到了议夺日程。统计部门何去何从,尤其是县级统计部门,其业务工作既要适应市场经济形势的需要,其机构改革又要适应机构改革的需要,这将是摆在我们面前的一个严峻的现实问题。完全计划经济体制下,统计机构曾几分几合,坎坎坷坷,在这新一轮的重大的机构变革中,一些地方试点工作突出了统计的超然与独立地位,但有的地方也在回归老路,究竟怎样选择我们统计的出路,一方面有待于决策者们的慎重决策,一方面,统计部门既要向社会极力呼吁,又要根据本部门实际,作出适合国家机构改革总精神的改革。本文从加强县级统计部门的重要性和必要性出发,结合实际,对县级(尤其是县级市)统计机构改革提出了初步设想,以供各地进行机构改革设计之参考。 The 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has solemnly mentioned the institutional reform on the agenda. Where will the statistics department go? Especially at the county-level statistics department, its business work will not only meet the needs of the market economy but also its institutional reform to meet the needs of institutional reform. This will be a serious practical problem before us. Under the fully planned economic system, at a time when the statistical agencies were in a hurry and the hurdles of hurdles were surging. In this new round of major institutional changes, some local pilot projects have highlighted the detached and independent statistic of statistics. However, some places are also returning On the one hand, the statistics department must make strong appeals to the community and at the same time, make reforms that are suitable for the general spirit of the reform of state organs in accordance with the actual situation in the country. Based on the importance and necessity of strengthening county-level statistical departments, this paper puts forward the tentative plan for the reform of statistical institutions at the county level (especially in county-level cities) in order to provide a reference for the design of institutional reform in various places.
中国古典园林艺术博大精深,在世界园林界独树一帜。随着我国对外文化交流的日益频繁,中国的园林走出国门,至今已有 20多年。这些中式园林散布在世界各地,对传播中国园林艺术起到
目的评价纯化的自体 CD34~+外周血干细胞移植治疗淋巴瘤和骨髓瘤的临床疗效。方法 1999年7月至2007年1月在第二军医大学长海医院血液科进行纯化的自体 CD34~+外周血干细胞移
AIM:To study the expression of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein survivin in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),and its correlation with clinicopathological factor
目的研究全反式维 A 酸(ATRA)联合三氧化二砷(ATO)双诱导缓解方案与单用 ATRA 诱导缓解方案治疗急性早幼粒细胞性白血病(APL)疗效及副反应的差异,并探讨缓解后采用联合 ATRA