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我国农药行业转型升级最根本出路在于加大农药研发投入,创造和培育出具有自主知识产权的骨干农药品种;与此同时还要在产品开发过程中制定相应的知识产权战略,构建周密的产品知识产权保护网,进而依靠专利产品和技术获取超额利润。保护农药知识产权,维护农药开发和技术创新的积极性,对维护农药行业的健康发展十分重要。农药领域的专利和行政保护较多,如何避免专利侵权及产权纠纷,也是农药企业十分关注的事情。本刊自2014年第7期开始陆续介绍2016年~2020年专利到期的农药品种。敬请关注! The fundamental solution to the transformation and upgrading of China’s pesticide industry is to increase input in R & D of pesticides to create and cultivate key pesticide varieties with independent intellectual property rights. At the same time, we must also formulate appropriate intellectual property strategies and product knowledge in product development Property protection network, and then rely on patented products and technologies to obtain excess profits. Protecting the intellectual property of pesticides and maintaining the enthusiasm of pesticide development and technological innovation are very important to maintain the healthy development of the pesticide industry. There are more patents and administrative protections in the field of pesticides. How to avoid patent infringement and property rights disputes is also a matter of great concern to pesticide companies. Since the publication of No. 7 in 2014, this magazine will introduce the varieties of pesticides due to expire in 2016-2020. stay tuned!
Problems in modeling of sub-mini aerial vehicles(SMAV) are discussed in this paper. Contraposing properties of SMAV, various factors affecting dynamic performan
2004年9月10日 ,由一汽集团与美国伊顿公司合资组建的一汽伊顿变速箱有限公司在原变速箱分公司门前正式揭牌。吉林省省长助理徐建一,长春市副市长张安顺,一汽集团总经理竺延
四年制本科/二年制文凭招生主修专业:中国舞,芭蕾舞,现代舞新加坡2017年2月12日时间:正午12时至下午4时(请於上午11时正到达登记)地点:Singapore Dance Theatre Ltd201 Victo
眼内异物所致的损伤常常是比较严重的眼外伤,因此,及时而准确地将眼内异物摘出是十分重要的.而摘出异物的关键是异物的定位。我科自1989年10月以来,采用角膜缘键环 X线摄片定位法(以下简