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经过去年秋冬农业合作化运动的第二个高潮,全省基本上实现了半社会主义性质的农业合作化。在这次高潮中,合作社的发展,不仅数量多,而且质量好。老社一般也都得到了不同程度的提高和扩大。整个运动的发展是健康的。但这是不是说,现有的初级社就没有问题了呢?或者说就不需要再整顿了呢?不,不是这样。不管是新社或老社,问题都还是有的。我们必须根据毛主席关于农业合作化问题的指示,来认真地整顿现有初级社,把每一个初级社中的问题,切实地加以解决,使之向高级社的方向不断前进。今年初级社的整顿工作与往年究竟有什么不同呢?其主要特点是什么呢?我们必须看到,我省农业合作化运动已经进入了一个新的阶段,即由半社会主义性质的合作化向全社会主义性质的合作化过渡的时期。今春全省要建立3800多个高级社,加入高级社的农户将达到农户总数的20%左右;今年秋冬 After the second climax of agricultural cooperation in autumn and winter last year, the province basically realized the semi-socialist nature of agricultural cooperation. In this climax, the development of cooperatives is not only large in quantity but also of good quality. In general, old social workers have also been raised and expanded to varying degrees. The whole movement is healthy. But is this not to say that there is no problem with the existing junior societies or that there is no need to reorganize them? No, that is not the case. Whether the new club or the old club, the problem is still there. In accordance with Chairman Mao’s instructions on the issue of agricultural co-operation, we must conscientiously rectify the existing junior societies and effectively solve the problems in every junior society so that we can make progress toward the higher society. What is the difference between this rectification work and the previous one? What must be the main features of this rectification work? We must realize that the agricultural cooperation in our province has entered a new phase, that is, from a semi-socialist cooperation The period of the all-socialist nature of the cooperative transition. In the spring of this year, more than 3,800 senior cooperatives should be set up in the province, and about 20% of the total households will join the senior cooperatives. This fall and winter of this year
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