The Potential for Resurgent Clashes among Warlords in Afghanistan

来源 :The Trend of Afghanistan Situation | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyuxin_718
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The Location and Development of Warlords in the Reconstruction of Afghanistan Warlordism is not a new issue in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.Since modern times,tribal elders and provincial governors have been independent local powers in Afghanistan,and they have been the main resource and foundation for contemporary warlords in Afghanistan.The Soviet invasion,civil war,the rule of Taliban and the Anti-Terror War all provided opportunities to reinforce the warlords.As Afghanistan undergoes reconstruction,so the warlords' power and status has been strengthened.It has two embodiments.In the first place,the warlords have gained legal positions in the national power center,not only in Afghanistan's provisional government,but also in the later transitional govemment and the Grand National Congress (Loya Jirga).
摘要:因此美联储作为金融监管机构但同时其股东又是金融市场的重要参与者,是金融衍生品创新的既得利益者,同时对于美联储自身的监管又十分不完善,所以造成了金融危机,因此如何保证中央银行独立性的同时又做到对于中央银行自身的监管?  关键词:金融危机;金融监管;  2007年一场始于年美国的次贷危机最终演变成了殃及全球的金融危机,甚至到了2011年欧洲还继续持续者多国主权债务危机。人们不禁怀疑作为美国最重要
Ladies and Gentlemen,Old Friends,New Friends and Good Friends,Good evening! In the hospitable warmth of the early summer,we have the honor of gathering together
【摘要】在当前这种“大众创业、万众创新”、“众创空间”大环境的引领下以及随着2015年两会的召开“互联网+”首次写入了政府工作的报告,股权众筹(equity-based crowdfunding)这种融资模式已彻底进入了人们的视线。然而,在股权众筹中,如何做到减少信息不对称的影响,使普通投資者面对眼花缭乱的众筹平台以及众多筹集项目参与到自己的项目中去是很多众筹平台以及融资者必须面对的问题。基于此,
Respected President Cui Liru,Respected Foreign and Chinese scholars and experts,Distinguished guests,Dear friends,It is of practical significance for the China
摘要:文章以传统指数套利模型为基础,划定股指期货套利边界的上下限,并用定价效率系数来衡量股指期货的定价效率。找出了影响定价效率的因素包括保证金比率、风险溢价、市场利率、股票收益率和交易成本。同时对比ETF指数套利的特点,发现ETF指数套利从丰富资金规模、解决技术门槛和降低交际成本等方面对提高股指期货定价效率有显著作用。  关键词:定价效率;ETF指数套利;传统指数套利;  一、传统指数套利  要对
Mr.President Cui Liru,Dr.Qiu Yuanping,Distinguished Delegates,Good moming.First of all,please allow me to extend my thanks to the thoughtful arrangements by CIC
Afghanistan began a journey of historic significance-a journey out of the dark decades of oppression and neglect towards a future of promise and hope.Internatio