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凤县历来就是鄂、湘、川、渝、黔商品重要集散地,是湖北省与重庆黔江、湖南湘西等地区进行经济文化交流的重要窗口,素有“湖北西大门”之称。为改善来凤县城镇基础设施条件,提升城镇功能,日供水6万吨、概算总投资4260万元的来凤二水厂经湖北省计委批准立项。来凤二水厂是国债资 Feng County has always been an important distribution center for the commodities of Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan and Jiangxi. It is an important window for economic and cultural exchanges between Hubei Province and Chongqing’s Minjiang River, Hunan’s Xiangxi and other regions. It is known as the “West Gate of Hubei Province.” In order to improve the urban infrastructure conditions in Laifeng County and upgrade urban functions, the Laifeng Second Water Plant with a daily supply of 60,000 tons and an estimated total investment of 42.6 million yuan was approved by the Hubei Provincial Planning Commission. Laifeng Second Water Plant is a state debt fund
在激烈的市场竞争形势下 ,三角集团保持了良好的发展势头 ,各项经济指标大幅上升 ,实现了新世纪首季开门红。 2 0 0 1年一季度 ,三角集团轮胎生产总量同比增长 9.75% ,销售收
January 10, China United CoalbedMethane Co. Ltd. (CUCBM) and US-based Virgin Oil Company Inc. signed acontract in Beliing to jointly explore anddevelop the coal
48 0 5厂虽然去年的安全生产取得良好成绩 ,全年未发生重大工伤和火灾事故 ,千人工伤事故率为 2 5‰ ,进入新年后 ,仍未雨绸缪 ,针对国内近期发生的洛阳东都大厦特大火灾等
Sinopec Ltd. issued on April 17, 2001its Report on Performance for the yearof 2000. According to the report, thejoint-stock corporation had earned a totalincome
钢 类 大型材(直径 )热轧盘圆(直径 )热轧直条(直径 )冷拔盘圆(直径 )冷拔直条(直径 )剥皮材(直径 )磨光材(直径 )热轧钢板(厚×宽×长 )冷轧钢带(厚×宽 )挤压管(外径×壁
20 0 1年炼焦煤和铁矿石价格均有所增长。炼焦煤由于销售以年供货合同为主 ,2 0 0 0年全球炼焦煤市场受到钢铁业需求强度以及北美地区产能关闭的影响 ,市场供应紧张。因此为
2000 is the first year thatPetroChina Company Limitedwas in operation and issued IPOoverseas. All the oil and gassubsidiaries, focusing on thecommercial reserve
潍坊小型拖拉机有限公司该公司始建于 1 994年 ,经几年的滚动发展 ,现有职工 1 5 0人 ,总资产 60 0 0万元 ,年产各种型号小四轮拖拉机 3万台 ,销售收入 2亿元。潍坊东达拖拉