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  Wang Xiaohong Talks with Chief of the Philippine National Police via Video Link
  On September 2, Executive Vice Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong talked with Chief of the Philippine National Police Guillermo Eleazar via video link.
  Wang noted that the important consensuses reached by President Xi Jinping and President Rodrigo Duterte during their call on August 27 provide guidance for the policing and law enforcement cooperation between the two countries. He said that China is willing to work with the Philippine side to implement the consensus reached by leaders of the two countries, establish a regular meeting and liaison mechanism between the Chinese and Philippine police organs, and crack down on cross-border gambling, telecom and internet frauds, as well as their derivative crimes. Wang also hoped that the two countries may further deepen the cooperation in drug control, anti-terrorism, law enforcement capacity building and other fields, enhance the coordination in multilateral fields and cooperation in security of Beijing Winter Olympics, and facilitate the deep, solid, stable and long-term law enforcement cooperation between the two countries, thus raising the mutual cooperation to a higher level.
  Eleazar noted that the Philippines is willing to deepen the mutual trust and support with China, establish and optimize the cooperation mechanism, join hands with China to crack down on transnational crimes, and further enhance the policing and law enforcement cooperation between the two countries from all aspects.
  Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian attended the meeting in Manila via video link.
  王小洪在致辞中表示,中国始终支持并积极参加联合国维和行动,已成为联合国维和行动第二大出资国和安理会常任理事国第一大维和出兵出警国,2600余名中国维和警察足迹遍及4大洲11个任务区,为维护世界和平稳定贡献了中国力量。当前,国际和地区安全形势严峻复杂,全球疫情蔓延反弹,冲突地区民众渴望和平、对联合国期待更加凸显。希望各国秉承《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则,遵守安理会授权和维和三原则,深化维和警务交流合作,建立更加协调的伙伴关系,携手维护任务区和平稳定,推动构建普遍安全的人类命运共同体。共同制定切实可行的措施,强化维和警察安全防护,加大人员、装备、预算等方面的支持,改善任务区医疗条件和防疫能力,共同降低维和行动风险,更好保障维和人员安全。加强维和警察教育培训,提升应对复杂环境能力,帮助驻在国开展能力建设,推进实现持久和平和可持续发展。中国愿同世界所有爱好和平的国家一道,风雨同舟、奋楫笃行,共同维护世界安宁与稳定。   聯合国主管和平行动副秘书长拉克鲁瓦、代理助理秘书长兼警察司司长路易斯、尼泊尔武警总警监卡纳尔、斐济警察总监恩吉里奥发表视频致辞,中国人民警察大学校长马金旗和外交部国际司司长杨涛在开幕式上致辞。与会代表围绕主题深入交流了疫情形势下维和警务工作现状和面临的挑战,积极分享落实《联合国国际警务战略指南框架》及参与维和警务行动的经验做法,共同探讨新时期联合国维和行动的应对策略,一致表示要在联合国多边主义旗帜指引下,扩大共识、加强合作,携手破解联合国维和行动面临的困难与挑战,为维护世界和平与安全、促进维和事业发展发挥积极作用。
  More Cooperation Urged in UN Peacekeeping
  Chinese executive vice-minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong called for enhancing cooperation in peacekeeping among the member countries of the United Nations and taking effective measures to reduce risks for peacekeeping operations in an international peacekeeping workshop.
  The two-day workshop, which ran from Wednesday to Thursday in Langfang of Hebei province, was organized by the Ministry of Public Security and co-organized by the China People's Police University and China Peacekeeping Police Training Center, focusing on the "trend, challenges and way forward" for peacekeeping operations in the new decade.
  The current international and regional security situation is grim and complex. The global pandemic situation is on the rebound, and people in conflict areas have greater expectations for the UN and are longing for peace, Wang said.
  "World peace and development require the UN to play a greater role, and more importantly, the extensive participation and practical cooperation of all countries," he said.
  Jean-Pierre Lacroix, UN under-secretary-general for Peace Operations, appreciated the Chinese government for organizing the workshop and its continued commitment and valuable contributions to UN peacekeeping.
  The peacekeeping missions operate in increasingly diverse and challenging environments, and the officers often take complex and multidimensional mandates under unpredictable and fluid political and security circumstances, Lacroix said, adding that the COVID-19 pandemic has made the environment more complex.
  Wang called for deepening exchanges and cooperation on peacekeeping and police affairs among the member countries of the UN and strengthening coordination with stakeholders to jointly maintain peace and stability in the mission areas.
  The member countries of the UN should formulate practical measures, strengthen information collection and increase personnel, equipment and budget support, to improve medical conditions and epidemic prevention capabilities in the mission areas and jointly reduce risks in peacekeeping operations, he said.   Besides, the police-contributing countries should strengthen the targeted education and training of peacekeeping police and constantly improve their ability to cope with complex environments, Wang said, adding that they should help the host countries to realize independent development.
  China has become the second-largest country providing funds to peacekeeping operations and the largest contributor of troops and police forces among the permanent members of the UN Security Council. China has deployed more than 2,600 Chinese peacekeeping police officers in 11 mission areas on four continents since 2000, according to Wang.
  Meeting Between China
  and Israel
  Deputy Minister of Public Security Lin Rui met with Israeli Ambassador to China Irit Ben-Abba Vitale in Beijing on September 9, 2021.
  Lin said that law enforcement cooperation is an important component of China-Israel relations. The Ministry of Public Security of China is ready to strengthen practical cooperation with its Israeli counterpart in anti-terrorism, combating cross-border crimes, law enforcement capacity building, and improving the security of institutions and personnel, thereby turning law enforcement cooperation into a positive component of enhanced bilateral ties, and contributing to the development of China-Israel relations.
  For her part, Irit Ben-Abba Vitale expressed that Israel attaches great importance to enforcement collaboration with China. It is expected that the law enforcers of both sides further promote exchange and cooperation so as to consolidate the bilateral relationship.
警用盾牌是一种轻型防护装置,其长度一般是覆盖一个中等身材的人的头顶到膝盖位置,当然也有小型的单手模型。警盾通常用于预防及制止暴乱,保护警察免受近战攻击,抵御非致命性武器袭击,如钝器、刀刺、石块、木棍等;同时也可用作短程近战武器来击退对方。警用盾牌一般不提供防弹保护,特殊情况才使用防弹盾牌。  世界各国的警察都使用警盾,经常和警棍一起配套,能够有效地保护警察,阻止对方冲破警戒线,又可以平暴止乱。但是
据《芝加哥华语论坛》报报道,当地时间8月30日,美国联邦调查局(FBI)发布报告称,由于针对黑人和亚洲人的袭击不断增加,美国的仇恨犯罪数量在2020年上升至12年来的最高水平。  联邦机构2020年总共统计了7759起仇恨犯罪,这是动荡的12个月,标志着全球新冠肺炎流行、分裂的总统选举和经济动荡。与2019年相比,这一数字增长了6%,是2008年以来的最大增幅。  联邦调查局8月30日发布的《20
地处中国西北,80公里黄河由南向北穿城而过,市内遍布200余个自然湖泊、沼泽湿地,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,银川——一座有着“塞上江南”美誉的城市,在中国历史上是河套文化和丝路文化的交汇处。如今,这座历史文化名城在平安建设中取得了突出的成绩,入选2018-2019年度美好生活指数最高的十个省会城市榜单,人民群众的获得感、幸福感、安全感全面提升。长治久安成为银川新的“金字招牌”。  坚持多元共治、民族特色
科班出身的“专家”  1988年,解放军军械工程学院弹药专业毕业的张保国被分到济南军区军械维修检验所。他主动申请来到偏远的军区弹药修配站工作。在张保国看来,整天跟废旧弹药打交道虽然危险,但是在这里却能获得更多弹药修理、销毁的实践机会,可以学以致用。  刚到单位,正好赶上全军弹药修理装配站正规化达标建设,张保国的大学知识派上了用场,按期保质完成了新弹药修理车间三条流水线的建设工作。  工作时间长了,
相关防疫措施  在首个新型冠状病毒病例出现后,莫桑比克总统菲利佩·贾辛托·纽西宣布加强疫情防控措施。从学前教育到高等教育的所有公共及私人学校和机构都被要求停课,集体性社会活动的人数上限从300人降低到50人,但出于公共利益开展的活动除外。纽西总统还宣布成立一个由来自公共卫生、媒体、社会科学研究和其他部门的专家组成的技术科学委员会,其具体任务是就预防疫情的功能性措施向政府提供建议,这样政府才能根据科
一、疫情常态化的背景  鉴于新冠肺炎的普遍性和严重性,刚果民主共和国总统于2020年3月18日首次宣布将采取一系列严厉措施以控制这一流行性疾病。2020年3月24日,共和国总统在第二次全国性讲话中再度重申该措施,并通过第20/014号法令对该措施予以补充,从而宣布全国范围内的卫生紧急状态,首都金沙萨被宣布为国内流行病的中心。  为抗击疫情,政府带领全国警察努力开展疫情防控。新冠肺炎暴发以后,刚果(
美国铁路警察的发展早期发展  美国铁路警察的发展与美国铁路的发展密不可分。从19世纪30年代起,从马里兰州和南卡罗来纳州开始修建铁路,到50年代以后由东部向西扩建铁路,在铁路沿线兴起了一座座城镇,移民和冒险者也蜂拥而至,强盗、劫匪横行,枪战四起。在列车上偷盗、抢劫、列车员工的盗窃行为常有发生。1838年,第一支公立专业化警察部队在波士顿建立。巴尔的摩和俄亥俄铁路公司的总工程师本杰明·拉特罗布于18
跨境犯罪是全球面临的非传统安全威胁中最突出问题之一。近年来,几乎所有国际组织、区域性组织以及各国的国情报告,都几乎无一例外地将跨境犯罪列为影响本国、本地区和全球经济社会发展的消极因素。据世界银行统计,全球每年流动的跨境犯罪经费为1万亿-1.6万亿美元,其中多从发展中国家流向发达国家。未来的5G+ 时代,传统国际主权边界与国际法均面临着新考验,世界各国加强跨境刑事司法合作、开展更频繁和紧密的联合执法