来源 :Journal of Hydrodynamics(Ser.B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michael_zhang_x
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In this paper, with the starting velocity experiments of natural cohesive sedimentation, the author pro poses an assumption concerning the starting mechanism of cohesive sedimentation and gives a formula to determine the starting velocity of compact c lay. It is pointed out that the fluctuating function of flow is a main factor fo r the starting of sedimentation. And the component and the structure of cohesive sedimentation are also the affecting factors for the starting. Consequently, th e study shows that modern results of soil mechanics, clay mineralogy and fluid m echanics are helpful in the investigation of this kind of engineering problem. In this paper, with the starting proleties of natural cohesive sedimentation, the author pro poses an assumption concerning the starting mechanism of cohesive sedimentation and gives a formula to determine the starting velocity of compact c lay. It is pointed out that the fluctuating function of flow the a main factor fo r the starting of sedimentation. And the component and the structure of cohesive sedimentation are also the affecting factors for the starting. helpful in the investigation of this kind of engineering problem.
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