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目前,我国不断深入经济体制改革,也逐步完善市场经济,而现行事业单位会计越来越明显的暴露出制度与准则方面的不足,已经不能跟上时代的步伐,所以事业单位会计改革刻不容缓。我们不仅要配合国家对事业单位的政策,还要积极寻找改革过程中出现的问题的解决措施,以推进改革。 At present, China has been deepening its reform of the economic system and gradually improving its market economy. However, as the current public accountants’ accounts have become more and more obvious, they have been unable to keep pace with the times. Therefore, the accounting reform in public institutions is imperative. We should not only cooperate with the state’s policies on public institutions, but also actively seek solutions to problems that arise during the reform so as to promote reforms.
介绍了法国SOMA公司制定的关于驱动桥桥壳强度校核方法;运用目前较先进的ALGOL FES软件对SOMAC116转向驱动桥桥壳进行了静强度有限元分析。 This paper introduced the meth
A review of former studies on the onset of sediment movement under wave action reveals that the Shields criterion obtained in unidirectional steady flow can al
1996年 7月至 1 998年 8月我院新生儿病房收治新生儿 30 6例 ,发生钙盐沉积症 1 5例 ,占 4 9%。现将防治体会报告如下。1 临床资料1 1 一般情况 男 1 1例 ,女 4例 ;足
九甸峡水库区滑坡、滑塌、卸荷变形现象分布很普遍。它的发生是地形地貌、岩性与地质构造、水文地质条件及水文、气象等综合作用的结果 ,尤其与地质构造之间有着密切的关系。
Isotope hydrogeological studies of thermal waters conducted in the Lushan hotspring area, northern Jiangxi Province, the Maanping hotspring area, central Jiangx