Ping Pong Master Is Back

来源 :BEIJING REVIEW | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xunzhaogancao
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  Kong Linghui, the Chinese formertable tennis genius who claimedgold metals for ping pong at threeworld-levelevents, said duringhis career that he had twowishes: to be an "ever-green tree" in the table ten-nis field; and to contributeto the Olympic Games inhis homeland.
The cute and cuddly panda, a nation-al treasure of China, took on a newand ugly persona recently.
Iused to be amused by the commonlyheld belief among my friends back inCanada who spoke about China in acer-tain way. Whether they had ever visited thecountry or not didn't matter, China was, tothem, q
Forty-six-year-old Su Hongyou is thehead of a county government in theprovince of Jiangxi. Su considershimself a local civil servant, so whenthe opportunity of receiving trainingorganized by the Centr
Zigmund Bertok:Prime MinisterFico’s visit here was very important for theSlovak side and Slovak-Chinese relations.
There's more to China's huge tradesurplus than the export factor.February is a good example of that.The month saw $23.76 billion inChina's trade surplus, second onlyto the record high of $23.83 billio
On February 27,at the annal nation-al sci-tech awards ceremony attend-ed by Chinese President Hu Jintaoand Premier Wen Jiabao.scientistsand enterprises that made remark-able progress in technological
“Ican feel growing problems inoperating my company,andthat’s why I decided to take theEMBA course,”said Lin Wen,boss of a private hi-tech enter-prise located in the south of China.
We live in an age where innovation has revolutionizedalmost every pary of our lives.And the new and positivechanges that innovation brings act as a catalyst that drivesforward the development of our s
A13,000-km journey across China,on a homemade tricycle,overyears—the story of Huang Ge andhis father is an amazing and touch-ing tale.
Every morning,Liu Daqing,48,owner ofa small engineering company,drives to inspect his project sites one by one.