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在2005年9月,逢张海鹏先生仙逝五周年之际,为了全面反映张海鹏先生的学问和人生, 再现他的治学精神和人格魅力,他的学生出版了张海鹏先生的文集——《求实集:张海鹏史学论文选》(30万字,安徽教育出版社2006年5月版),共选编了先生的37篇论文和序文。分为三组,第一组是徽学研究的12篇论文,收录了他20世纪80年代中期以来的关于徽商及 In September 2005, on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the death of Mr. Zhang Haipeng, in order to fully reflect Mr. Zhang Haipeng’s knowledge and life, to reproduce his academic spirit and charisma, his students published the essay series of Mr. Zhang Haipeng- “Factual Set: Zhang Haipeng History Selected Papers ”(300000 words, Anhui Education Press, May 2006 edition), a total of selected 37 papers and preface. Divided into three groups, the first group is Huizhou study of 12 papers, including his since the mid-1980s on the Huizhou merchants and