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目的:对阿奇霉素联合氨茶碱治疗小儿咳嗽变异哮喘的效果。方法:选取益阳医学高等专科学校2015年3月至2016年3月收治的120例小儿咳嗽变异哮喘患者,按临床随机数表法分为观察组与对照组各60例。对照组患儿采用氨茶碱治疗;观察组患儿则在对照组的基础上,采用阿奇霉素联合氨茶碱治疗。待疗程结束后,两组患儿临床表现症状的改善程度与治疗总有效率。结果:观察组在接受阿奇霉素联合氨茶碱方法治疗后,咳嗽、气喘、啰音的症状的消退时间均快于对照组,组间差异明显,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组患儿治疗总有效率高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:阿奇霉素联合氨茶碱对小儿咳嗽变异哮喘的应用效果显著,提高治疗效率的同时保障患儿的治疗效果。 Objective: To evaluate the effect of azithromycin combined with aminophylline on children with cough variant asthma. Methods: A total of 120 children with cough variant asthma admitted from March 2015 to March 2016 in Yiyang Medical College were selected and divided into observation group and control group according to clinical random number table. The control group of children treated with aminophylline; observation group of children in the control group, based on the use of azithromycin combined with aminophylline treatment. After the end of treatment, two groups of children with clinical symptoms and the improvement of the total effective rate of treatment. Results: After treatment with azithromycin combined with aminophylline, cough, asthma and rales in the observation group were faster than those in the control group. There was significant difference between the two groups (P <0.05). The total effective rate of observation group was higher than that of control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion: Azithromycin combined with aminophylline has a significant effect on children with cough variant asthma, which can improve the therapeutic efficiency and protect the therapeutic effect of children.
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笔者在众多藏品门类中,尤其钟爱唐三彩。它们绚烂多彩的釉色、丰盈大气的造型,无不体现着唐帝国政治稳定、经济繁荣、文化发达、国富民强的磅礴气势。唐三彩从唐初开始制 作,
AIM:This study aimed to determine whether metabolicsyndrome is directly or indirectly,through fatty liver,associatedwith elevated gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
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