Development of electron and hole selective contact materials for perovskite solar cells

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiantianaimeng
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Nowadays,both n-i-p and p-i-n perovskite solar cells(PSCs) device structures are reported to give high performance with photo conversion efficiencies(PCEs) above 20%.The efficiency of the PSCs is fundementally determined by the charge selective contact materials.Hence,by introducing proper contact materials with good charge selectivity,one could potentially reduce interfacial charge recombination as well as increase device performance.In the past few years,copious charge selective contact materials have been proposed.Significant improvements in the corresponding devices were observed and the reported PCEs were close to that of classic Spiro-OMeTAD.This mini-review summarizes the state-of-the-art progress of typical electron/hole selective contact materials for efficient perovskite solar cells and an outlook to their development is made. Nowadays, both nip and pin perovskite solar cells (PSCs) device structures are reported to give high performance with photo conversion efficiencies (PCEs) above 20%. The efficiency of the PSCs is fundely determined determined by the charge selective contact materials .ence, by introducing proper contact materials with good charge selectivity, one could potentially reduce interfacial charge recombination as well as increase device performance. the past few years, copious charge selective contact materials have been proposed. Significant improvements in the corresponding devices were observed and the reported PCEs were close to that of classic Spiro-OMeTAD. This mini-review summarizes the state-of-the-art progress of typical electron / hole selective contact materials for efficient perovskite solar cells and an outlook to their development is made.
菊花秋日綻,  香飘过河岸。  鸟儿过河来,  颜色红黄蓝。  (指导老师 王 平)
作者报告4例有咳嗽的老年人,由胸部 X线和纤支镜检查诊断为支气管肺癌,但最后诊断为支气管内膜结核。四例患者全部有咳嗽、厌食和体重下降等。平均症状持续时间为13周。3例
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博与专是辩证的统一。“有鸟将来 ,张罗待之 ,得鸟者一目也。今为一目之罗 ,无时得鸟矣。”这段文字 ,出自《申鉴》。所说的关于“罗”和“目”的关系 ,于我们对博与专的理解
在教师节来临之际,我们谨向辛勤工作在中国高等远距离教育战线上二万五千七百名教职工致以节日的问候和祝贺! 历史的脚步是如此迅捷,历史的记忆是如此清晰。1985年我们以喜悦