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最近,随着海峡西岸经济区建设的不断推进,我省经济理论界和经济政策研究部门逐渐把关注的重点转向如何将“海西经济区”拓展为“海峡经济区”这一战略构 Recently, with the continuous development of the construction of the economic zone on the west side of the Taiwan Straits, the economic theoretical circles and economic policy research departments in our province have gradually turned their attention to how to expand the “Hercynian economic zone” into “the Straits economic zone” Strategic structure
9月24日,联想推出基于IA架构的集群技术方案NS10000,它采用DA(Direct Access)技术、可靠性达99.99%.足以替代传统RISC小型机 On September 24, Lenovo introduced the NS10
培养学生终身体育锻炼能力是我国学校体育追求的目标。大学体育作为学校体育的最后阶段,是培养学生终生健身的关键阶段,也是我国实施全民健身这一目的最有效的时期。 Cultiv
1995年当吴伟明来到IBM PC服务器销售事业部时,IBM公司的Netfinity服务器还没有在中国销售。7月7日上午,吴伟明在老板的带领下跨进了IBM PC服务器部门在上海的办公室,这一天
The authors describe a 2-year-old girl with a right-sided aortic arch who developed a sudden, fatal aortoesophageal fistula after prolonged placement of Montgom
BACKGROUND:Only 105 cases of neuroendocrine tumor(NET)of the ampulla of Vater have been described, mostly as single case reports.The incidence of NET is rising.
In July 2003 assisted by the CPAFFC, the NHK TV program Global Walk plotted and producedby the Haxen International Inc. of Japan was filmed in Beijing, Shanghai
12月22日,长城集团显示器事业部在京爆出连串消息:推出具有自主技术知识产权的21英寸和29英寸多媒体显示器,在国内首家推出TFT LCD液晶显示器,推出“亮丽2000”系列五彩显示