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本刊从去年第5期以来,开展了农村党支部工作进步奖征文活动。从那时起到现在收到许多来稿,已发表50多篇。这一活动在落实党的十四届四中全会精神,加强农村基层组织建设中发挥了积极作用。按照原计划,到今年6月这一活动即应结束。但是,考虑到中央集中整顿农村后进党支部工作的时间是3年,特别是今年3月中组部又召开了全国电话会议,对这一工作进行了再动员、再部署。为了贯彻这次会议精神,继续把农村基层组织的整顿和建设推向深入,经与省有关部门研究决定把这一活动再延长一段时间,到1997年6月结束。希望各级党组织和党务工作者,一如既往给本栏目以支持,踊跃投稿,使其在加强以党支部为核心的村级组织配套建设中发挥更大的作用。 Since the publication of the 5th issue of last year, the publication has carried out a solicitation activity for the Progress Award in Rural Party Branches. Since then, he has received many contributions and has published more than 50 articles. This activity has played a positive role in implementing the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee and strengthening the building of rural grassroots organizations. According to the original plan, this event should come to an end in June this year. However, given that the central government has concentrated on rectifying the work of the rural backward Party branch for three years, especially since March this year, the Central Organization Department held a national teleconference and rescheduled and redeployed the work. In order to carry out the spirit of this meeting, we should continue to push forward the rectification and construction of rural grass-roots organizations and, after study with relevant departments of the province, decide to extend this activity for a further period of time and end it in June 1997. We hope that party organizations and Party workers at all levels, as always, give their support to this section and actively submit their contributions so that they will play a greater role in supporting the construction of village-level organizations with the party branches as the core.
国防科大南大门拆迁是2001年度长沙市开福区重点建设工程,也是执行市委市政府“拆棚建绿”战略,改善国防科大周边环境,把国防科大这块牌子“做 The demolition of South Gate of
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本刊讯 近日,岳阳市档案局馆档案信息开发利用科挂牌成立,正式履行全市档案信息开发利用与信息化建设、管理职能,该市档案信息化建设由此进入新的发展阶段。 Recently, Yuey