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华章溢彩虞美人·听雨蒋捷少年听雨歌楼上,红烛昏罗帐。壮年听雨客舟中,江阔云低,断雁叫西风。而今听雨僧庐下,鬓已星星也。悲欢离合总无情,一任阶前点滴到天明。译文年少的时候,歌楼上听雨,红烛盏盏,昏暗的灯光下罗帐轻盈。人到中年,在异国他乡的小船上,看蒙蒙细雨,茫茫江面,水天一线,西风中,一只失群的孤雁阵阵哀鸣。而今,人已暮年,两鬓已是白发苍苍,独自一人在 Hua Zhang Yi Cai Yan Mei Rain Rain Jiang Jie juvenile listen to rain upstairs, red candle faint Luo account. Zhuang years to listen to the rain boat, Jiang Kuyun low, broken wild geese called westerlies. Now under the rain monk Lu, 鬓 has stars. Joys and sorrows are always mercilessly, a little bit before the order to dawn. When I was young, I was listening to rain on the song house, a red candle and a light candle. Middle-aged man, in a foreign country on a small boat, see the drizzle, the vast river, the water front, the westerly, a lost wild goose bursts. Now, people are old age, two 鬓 is gray-haired, alone
笔者认为近期,在各项配套改革未完全到位时,财政部门应下大力气,从加强对收费执收单位的财务控制入手,做好收费的规范管理工作。 一、“收支两条线”管理和“票款分离”的具
文章介绍以合理用药为中心,以血药浓度监测为手段,药学工作者如何深入临床为临床工作服务的体会。 This article describes the rational use of drugs as the center to bloo
展览:天人之际II—上海星空  日期:2015/03/17-2015/07/12  地点:余德耀美术(上海)  此番《天人之际》第二回沿着两个互动的维度展开:继续以“神话”与“历史”为核心,来发掘当代艺术创作和叙事中的一些基本倾向和逻辑。其二,在艺术家和作品的选择上,更聚焦于在上海出生和工作的艺术家,展现出当代艺术地域化的历史发展和最新面貌。  作为展览中心主题的“神话”部分,由不同国家艺术家创造
It is reported that some types of insects have a remarkable ability to detect the direction of an incident sound even though its acoustic sensory organs are in
Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) was used to study the gas phase composition near the substrate surface during dia-mond deposition by high-power DC arc plasm
阳光投下一地斑驳,  闷热的美丽。  梧桐叶款款飘落,  苦涩,却又甜蜜。  夏末秋初夜光点点,  澄澈静谧。  拾一口袋迷途的星,  我好想你。  不愿等残枝萧瑟,  永恒,就要现在。  多年后再见,  剩下的难道只是回忆?  [湖北省武汉外国语学校高一(7)班]
In order to describe the characteristics of piezoelectric bimorph,properties of lead zirconate titanate (LZT) film are studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and sc