Travel by Train

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When I was a small boy in Greece and Turkey,I loved playing on old railway trucks at a part of the Hejaz railway whichwas no longer used.This is the railway that comes up from Arabia to the Sea of Marmara opposite Istanbul(伊斯坦布尔).Then when I was sent to school in England,I used to travel by train from London to Salonica in Greece and back oncea year for my summer holidays with my two younger brothers.We used to go third class(三等车厢),sitting on hardwooden seats for three days and three nights.Sleep was always a problem;when we nodded off(打瞌睡),our headsdropped and we woke with a jump.We solved that problem by tying our scarves to the luggage rack above our heads andputting them under our chins.The only problem was that people coming into our compartment at stations used to think thatwe had hanged ourselves,having lost all hope of finishing our journey. When I was a small boy in Greece and Turkey, I loved playing on old railway trucks at a part of the Hejaz railway whichwas no longer used.This is the railway that comes up up from Arabia to the Sea of ​​Marmara opposite Istanbul. Then when I was sent to school in England, I used to travel by train from London to Salonica in Greece and back oncea year for my summer holidays with my two younger brothers.We used to go third class (sitting on third class) hardwood seats for three days and three nights.Sleep was always a problem; when we nodded off (we do not sleep), our headsdropped and we woke with a jump. We solved that problem by tying our scarves to the luggage rack above our heads andputting them under our chins.The only problem was that people coming into our compartment at stations used to think thatwe had hanged ourselves, having lost all hope of finishing our journey.
CHINA ITS JOURNAL刊号:CN11-5951/U邮发代号:82-272《中国交通信息化》杂志是由中华人民共和国交通运输部主管、中国公路学会主办、国内外公开发行的面向交通信息化领域管理
当今世界,罪犯和犯罪的手段愈益狡猾,但侦破的方法也日趋先进,正所谓道高一尺,魔高一丈。法医技术的迅速发展,加上公众的帮助,一些长期悬而未决的案子得以昭白于天下。 Viol
The air we breathe is getting dirty.And air is so important to every- thing that lives that people all overthe world are looking for ways tomake it clean again
It is interesting to see in this sto-ry Waugh’s humorous,though not un-kind,attitude to an aristocratic andeccentric old lady.In his later years,when he disco
摘 要:本文阐述了农村英语教学氛围沉闷、教与学的方式及方法单一的原因,探讨了农村初中英语教师如何改善课堂学习氛围、帮助学生提高学习英语的兴趣,以及怎样学好英语。  关键词:教学氛围 教学方法 改善学习氛围    我就我的工作经历分析一下农村初中英语教学氛围沉闷的原因以及如何改善该方面问题的措施。  一、形成农村初中英语教学氛围沉闷的主要原因  1.大多数英语教师的教育思想仍然不同程度地禁锢在应试教