高效获取和解读信息 灵活调动和运用知识

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获取和解读信息、调动和运用知识的能力,也叫审题能力,是解题的“门槛”。在能力立意的高考试题面前,学生之所以很难得高分,与不会获取和解读有效信息、调动和运用知识密切相关。我们要提高复习备考的效率,必须重视审题能力的培养。本文拟结合经典试题,探析审题的基本要领和方法。(一)提高获取和解读不同材料有效信息的能力所谓信息,即试卷中的文字资料、图表、各种数据、画面、符号等。获取和解读信息的过 The ability to acquire and interpret information, mobilize and use knowledge, also known as essay reviewing ability, is the “threshold” of problem solving. In the face of the ability to conception of the college entrance examination test, the reason why students are hard to get high scores, and will not obtain and interpret valid information, mobilization and use of knowledge is closely related. We must improve the efficiency of review preparation, we must attach importance to the cultivation of ability of examining questions. This article intends to combine the classic test questions, probing the basic essentials and methods. (A) improve the ability to obtain and interpret effective information on different materials The so-called information, that is, the text in the test paper, charts, all kinds of data, pictures, symbols and so on. Obtaining and interpreting information
最近 ,笔者走访农村一些地方 ,发现村委会办公室墙上被各种牌子占得满满的 ,这从中反映了一些地方为执行上级及本单位有关决策 ,强化某项工作落实 ,通过“墙化”设立领导小组
According to related analysis, study and historical data, there also exists a close association and strong relevance between PMI and copper consumption demand.
1 病例报告 刘某男,44岁,1992—05—15入院。2年前开始餐后腹胀,纳差,近7月起伴上腹部持续隐痛并向腰背部放射,腹泻黄色稀水便4—8次/d,2年体重下降15kg,门诊以慢性胰腺炎收