Effects of Preprocessing Method on TVOC Emission of Car Mat

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyang03
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The effects of the mat preprocessing method on total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) emission of car mat are studied in this paper. An appropriate TVOC emission period for car mat is suggested. The emission factors for total volatile organic compounds from three kinds of new car mats are discussed. The car mats are preprocessed by washing, baking and ventilation. When car mats are preprocessed by washing, the TVOC emission for all samples tested are lower than that preprocessed in other methods. The TVOC emission is in stable situation for a minimum of 4 days. The TVOC emitted from some samples may exceed 2500μg/kg. But the TVOC emitted from washed Polyamide (PA) and wool mat is less than 2500μg/kg. The emission factors of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) are experimentally investigated in the case of different preprocessing methods. The air temperature in environment chamber and the water temperature for washing are important factors influencing on emission of car mats. The effects of the mat preprocessing method on total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) emission of car mat are studied in this paper. An appropriate TVOC emission period for car mat is suggested. The emission factors for total volatile organic compounds from three kinds of new car The car mats are preprocessed by washing, baking and ventilation. When car mats are preprocessed by washing, the TVOC emission for all samples tested are lower than that preprocessed in other methods. The TVOC emission is in stable situation for a minimum The TVOC emitted from some samples may exceed 2500 μg / kg. The emission factors of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) are experimentally investigated in the case of different preprocessing methods. The air temperature in environment chamber and the water temperature for washing are important factors influencing on emission of car mats.
目的 探讨一种有效治疗产后阴道松弛的手术方法.方法经阴道口皮肤黏膜交界处切开,剥离阴道黏膜,分离出撕裂的提肛肌,形成两个肌瓣.将两肌瓣对合重叠拉紧缝合后缝合阴道黏膜,并形成阴道黏膜隆突.结果1998年6月至2002年6月将此法用于21例产后阴道松弛的患者,术后随访16例,随访3个月至2年,患者均感手术后提高了性生活质量.结论此方法可以提高患者性生活质量,效果确切。
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