Influence of dynamic soil-pile raft-structure interaction:an experimental approach

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iloveyouggyyvc
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Traditionally seismic design of structures supported on piled raft foundation is performed by considering fixed base conditions, while the pile head is also considered to be fixed for the design of the pile foundation. Major drawback of this assumption is that it cannot capture soil-foundation-structure interaction due to flexibility of soil or the inertial interaction involving heavy foundation masses. Previous studies on this subject addressed mainly the intricacy in modelling of dynamic soil structure interaction(DSSI) but not the implication of such interaction on the distribution of forces at various elements of the pile foundation and supported structure. A recent numerical study by the authors showed significant change in response at different elements of the piled raft supported structure when DSSI effects are considered. The present study is a limited attempt in this direction, and it examines such observations through shake table tests. The effect of DSSI is examined by comparing dynamic responses from fixed base scaled down model structures and the overall systems. This study indicates the possibility of significant underestimation in design forces for both the column and pile if designed under fixed base assumption. Such underestimation in the design forces may have serious implication in the design of a foundation or structural element. Traditionally seismic design of structures supported on piled raft foundation is performed by considering fixed base conditions, while the pile head is also considered to be fixed for the design of the pile foundation. Major drawback of this assumption is that it can not capture soil-foundation- structure interaction due to flexibility of soil or the inertial interaction involving heavy foundation masses. Previous studies on this subject addressed mainly the intricacy in modeling of dynamic soil structure interaction (DSSI) but not the implication of such interaction on the distribution of forces at various elements of the pile foundation and supported structure. A recent numerical study by the authors showed significant change in response at different elements of the piled raft supported structure when DSSI effects are considered. The present study is a limited attempt in this direction, and it examines such observations through shake table tests. The effect of DSSI is examined by compa ring dynamic responses from fixed base scaled down model structures and the overall systems. This study shows the possibility of significant underestimation in design forces for both the column and pile if designed under fixed base assumption. Such underestimation in the design forces may have serious implication in the design of a foundation or structural element.
【摘要】作文源于生活,是通过语言对生活中的所见所闻和所思所想进行组织,形成一个具有表达意义的文体。对于小学生而言,作文是对他们认知水平和语言文字表达能力的考验,也会直接影响到他们的成绩。因此,小学教师的教课方法对小学生的学习和领悟至关重要。  【关键词】小学语文 生活式 作文  【中图分类号】G623.2【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)07-0094-01  小学语文的
【摘要】现代文教学与作文教学两者的主要目的虽然有所不同,但是两者之间却息息相关,现代文教学的作用在于能够使学生具有写作能力的各种基础性知识,比如语言表达知识、情感表达的相关知识等。而作文教学的目的则在于能够使学生具备基本的写作能力,提升其感受别人文章的能力。本文主要对当前我国作文教学的现状作了分析,同时深入分析了现代文教学对作文教学的重要意义,希望能为相关的研究提供重要的参考价值。  【关键词】现
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【摘要】字词教学本是阅读教学中不可分割的一部分,重视字词教学的基础性作用,开掘字词教学的新天地,必须在整个阅读教学中寻求到更佳的落脚点,让字词教学成为融入阅读教学的一股“智慧的琼浆”,来滋养学生的阅读历程。一、寻找关联,在整合中求效率。二、增添情趣,在感悟中要质量。  【关键词】寻找关联 增添情趣  【中图分类号】G623.2【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2015)07-009