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对于文学实践中民族和个体的关系,过去百年中国文学批评始终没有完全摆脱二元论的思维框架,“马克思主义文学批评的中国形态”需要改变这种状况。中国马克思主义文学批评所坚持的“开放的民族主义”立场一方面认为,在当前历史条件下,民族国家是“现实的个人”的基本社会关系和主要活动场所,在人类步入自由王国的历史前,民族国家为个人的合理权利、自由全面发展提供保障,民族需要在个体的坚持而非绕过中被超越和扬弃。另一方面,民族国家是人类历史活动的产物和“现实的个人”通向自由王国的途径和手段,民族国家要尊重和保障“现实的个人”的合理权利、全面发展和自我实现的要求,但这种尊重和保障不是抽象、形式的,而应是具体、差异性的。中国马克思主义文学批评致力于民族与个体的平衡统一,不能因此而废彼,但这种平衡统一不是绝对、静止的,而是在动态偏置中达成。民族以民族内每一个人的实现为自身的实现,同时民族内每一个人又在为民族的实现中获得自我的实现。 For the relationship between the nation and the individual in literary practice, Chinese literary criticism in the past century has not completely got rid of the dualist framework of thinking. “The Chinese form of Marxist literary criticism needs to change this situation.” On the one hand, the “open nationalism” stance the Chinese Marxist literary criticism upholds on the one hand holds that, under the current historical conditions, the nation-state is the basic social relationship and the main venue for the “real individual” Before the history of the free kingdom, the nation-state provided the guarantee for the individual’s reasonable rights and freedom, all-round development, and the nation needs to be surpassed and subjugated in the perseverance of the individual rather than the by-pass. On the other hand, the nation-state is the product of the historical activities of mankind and the means and means by which the “real individuals” lead to the free kingdoms. The nation states should respect and guarantee the reasonable rights, the all-round development and the self of “real individuals” However, such respect and protection are not abstract and formal, but should be specific and differentiated. Chinese Marxist literary criticism is committed to the balanced and unification of the nation and the individual, which can not be ruled out. However, this balance and unification is not absolute and static but is achieved through dynamic bias. The realization of each nation by the realization of each individual within the nation as well as the realization by one individual within the nation for the realization of its own nation.