Efficiency enhancement for the orbital angular momentum photon quantum interface via single photon f

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnfengzhong
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As the application of orbital angular momentum(OAM) of photon quantum in quantum communication, the OAM photon quantum interface for the transmission wavelength from the telecom communication quantum information storage in visible regime is required. Here we demonstrate the efficiency enhancement for the OAM photon quantum interface based on the frequency upconversion from telecom wavelength to visible regime by sum-frequency generation. The infrared photons at 1 558 nm carrying different OAM values could be converted to the visible regime at 622.2 nm with the optimal efficiency via adjusting the pump beam waist radius and intensity. As the application of orbital angular momentum (OAM) of photon quantum in quantum communication, the OAM photon quantum interface for the transmission wavelength from the telecom communication quantum information in visible regime is required. Here we demonstrate the efficiency enhancement for the OAM photon quantum interface based on the frequency upconversion from telecom wavelength to visible regime by sum-frequency generation. The infrared photons at 1 558 nm carrying different OAM values ​​could be converted to the visible regime at 622.2 nm with the optimal efficiency via adjusting the pump beam waist radius and intensity.
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学会让自己快乐    朱虹,心理学硕士,华东师范大学心理咨询中心资深心理咨询师  人要学会认识自己的情绪和控制自己的情绪,当认识到自己的情绪有问题的时候首先要控制而不是去发泄,如果每天能笑15分钟到半小时,可以控制和改善自己的情绪和状态。比如情绪很差的时候,要对自己进行心理暗示,对自己说我要保持微笑,随着嘴角的牵动,就能调整自己的情绪,如果你对别人保持微笑并且得到良好的反馈,就能进入良性的循环,笑
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