
来源 :江苏社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:echo_1978
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一般认为反洋教斗争反映了农民阶级的伟大爱国主义精神。但认真分析,相当一部分教案中农民反教并非如此。他们只是从狭隘的现实经济利益、传统习惯出发,希望将洋教士赶出本乡本土便万事大吉。近代农民的爱国主义有一个觉醒过程。排外主义不是爱国主义。只有当农民自觉意识到帝国主义的侵略,产生危机意识,将反教斗争和保卫国家或保卫清王朝联系在一起时,才表明他们的反教行动具有爱国主义的性质。以往对教会势力的研究只注意到西方洋教士,而忽视了大批入教的中国农民,特别是其中的地痞流氓恶势力。引起教案冲突的人员除少数为恶的洋教士外,相当一部分为恶的主体是入教的中国人。故教案冲突除跟洋教士的矛盾外,还有入教与未入教的中国农民内部的矛盾。在某种意义上说,这是传统内乱、斗争在近代的特殊继续。是中国乡村社会封闭、落后以及历史上充满斗争的特点所决定的。提高中华民族素质,既要发扬本民族优良传统,也要注意反省解剖民族落后性。 It is generally believed that the anti-foreign religious struggle reflects the great patriotism of the peasantry. However, careful analysis shows that a considerable part of the peasants’ anti-religion teaching is not the case. They just proceeded from narrowly-based economic interests and traditional customs and hoped that all the foreign priests would be evicted from their hometowns. Modern peasant patriotism has a wakeup process. Xenophobicism is not patriotism. Only when peasants consciously realize that imperialist aggression leads to crisis awareness and link anti-religious struggles with defending the country or defending the Qing dynasty can they show that their anti-religious actions are of a patriotic character. In the past, the study of the church forces only paid attention to Western foreign clerics, while neglecting a large number of Chinese peasants who were taught in the religion, especially the rogue gangsters in these areas. Apart from a few evil foreign pilgrims who caused conflicts in the lesson plans, a considerable part of the evil subjects were Chinese educated. Therefore, apart from the conflict between teaching plans and the foreign priests, there are also the contradictions within the Chinese peasants who have been taught religion and not taught. In a sense, this is a special continuation of the traditional civil strife and struggle in the modern era. It is determined by the closed and backward Chinese rural society and its history-full struggle. To improve the quality of the Chinese nation, we must not only carry forward the fine tradition of our nation, but also reflect on the backwardness of the anatomy and the nation.
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
“导主和谐”模式下师生的角色定位是“教师为指导 ,学生为主体” ,其方法是“能力培养和思维训练” ,其理论背景是建构主义和人本主义 ,核心是以师生发展为本 ,目标是培养师