Mechanism of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living organisms

来源 :中国科学C辑(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongyun64
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Based on nonlinear phenomena of biophoton emission observed in the past, an interference model concerning with the mechanism of interaction between living organisms and electromagnetic fields was raised. Caused by biological nonlinearly polarizable double layer, destructive interference of incoming and reflected waves establishes in the outside. As a consequence, in the inside constructive interference takes place at the same time. The interference patterns may play an important role in biological self organization and in biological functions. We investigate the boundary conditions necessary for explaining these non-linear optical effects in terms of the phase conjugation. It turns out that there are solutions of the Maxwell equations which satisfy destructive interference of biophotons in agreement with the experimental results. Necessary provisions are nonlinearly polarizable optically active double layers of distances which are small compared to the wavelength of light. In addition, they have to be able to move into the nodal planes of the impinging waves within a small time interval compared to the coherence time. These conditions are likely fulfilled in the optically dense, but ordered and optically excited, highly polarizable living matter.
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