Detonation Propagation Characteristics of Superposition Explosive Materials

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hml9061
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In order to investigate detonation propagation characteristics of different charge patterns,the detonation velocities of superposition strip shaped charges made up of a detonating cord and explosives were measured by a detonation velocity measuring instrument under conditions of different ignition.The experimental results and theoretical analysis show that the maximum detonation propagation velocity depends on the explosive materials with the maximum velocity among all the explosive materials.Using detonating cord in a superposition charge can shorten detonation propagation time and improve the efficiency of explosive energy.The measurement method of detonation propagation velocity and experimental results are presented and investigated. In order to investigate detonation propagation characteristics of different charge patterns, the detonation velocities of superposition strip shaped charges made up of a detonating cord and explosives were measured by a detonation velocity measuring instrument under conditions of different ignition. The experimental results and theoretical analysis show that the maximum detonation propagation velocity depends on the explosive materials with the maximum velocity among all the explosive materials. Using detonating cord in a superposition charge can shorten detonation propagation time and improve the efficiency of explosive energy. The measurement method of detonation propagation velocity and experimental results are presented and investigated.
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