辍学少年 街头卖艺

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近日,记者在昆明看到三个平均年龄不到13岁的少年在街头卖艺,其中年龄最大的姐姐小艳年仅17岁、老二小辉14岁、妹妹小羽刚满7岁。据姐姐介绍,他们是来自河南的三姐弟,一年多来他们曾在河南、陕西、四川、云南等地通过表演各种危险的杂技挣钱。当被问到为何到处流浪卖艺时,姐姐说:“我们的父母都是靠杂技表演谋生的,认为读书无用,让我们外出卖艺挣钱。”他们会定期把挣到的钱寄回家里,并经常和父母电话联系。我国未成年人保护法规定,未成年人的父母有责任对未成年人的生理、心理、思想进行引导和教育,预 Recently, the reporter saw in Kunming that three teenagers, on average, under the age of 13, were performing on the streets. Among them, the youngest sister, Xiao Yannian, was only 17 years old, her second Xiaohui was 14 and her younger sister Xiaoyu was just over seven years old. According to my sister, they are three siblings from Henan. Over the past year they have made money by performing various dangerous acrobatics in Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Yunnan. When asked why she was wandering around, her sister said: “Our parents are all living on acrobatics, thinking that studying is useless and that we can go out for fun and earn money.” They regularly send their earned money home And often with parents by phone. The Law on the Protection of Minors in China stipulates that minors’ parents have the responsibility to guide and educate the minor’s physiology, psychology and ideology.
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