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为适应企业技术进步和管理现代化的需要,在全面贯彻落实国务院《设备管理条例》的基础上,积极推动企业设备管理现代化,国家计委生产调度局和国家计委计划干部培训中心于今年8月7日至16 日,在长春联合举办“设备管理现代化研讨班”。参加这次研讨班的有25个省、自治区、直辖市计经委和国务院13个部、局、总公司负责设备管理工作的处长、工程师及特邀代表等共83人。 这次研讨班,是在今年7月28日国家计委于北京隆重召开第三届全国设备管理优秀单位表彰大会、传达公布江泽民总书记、李鹏总理等领导同志对设备管理工作的重要题词后举行的。同志们精神振奋,目的明确,理论联系实际,学习效果较好。普遍反映,国家计委近几年对设备管理工作抓得紧,既有近期措施,又有长远考虑,在进一步贯彻落实《设备管理条例》的同时,组织大家研讨设备管理现代化问题,是非常适时的。参加这次研讨班后,大家感到深受启发,增长了知识,开阔了思路,对今后指导企业开展设备管理现代化工作增强了信心。 In order to meet the needs of technological advancement and modernization of enterprises, and on the basis of fully implementing the “Regulations on Equipment Management” of the State Council, the company actively promoted the modernization of enterprise equipment management. The State Planning Commission Production Dispatching Bureau and the State Planning Commission plan cadre training center in August this year. From the 7th to the 16th, a “Seminar on Modernization of Equipment Management” was held in Changchun. There were 83 chiefs, engineers, and special representatives who were responsible for the equipment management of the 23 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government Economic Planning Commission and the 13 departments, bureaus, and head offices of the State Council. This seminar was held on July 28 this year after the State Development Planning Commission held a grand ceremony for the Third National Equipment Management Outstanding Unit in Beijing and conveyed the announcement of General Secretary Jiang Zemin, Premier Li Peng and other leading comrades on equipment management. of. The comrades are inspired by spirit, have a clear purpose, link theory with practice, and have a good learning effect. It is generally reflected that the State Development Planning Commission has grasped tightly the equipment management work in recent years. There are both immediate and long-term considerations. It is very timely to organize the discussion on the modernization of equipment management while implementing the “Regulations on Equipment Management”. of. After attending this seminar, everyone was deeply inspired, increased their knowledge, broadened their ideas, and strengthened their confidence in guiding enterprises in the modernization of equipment management.
一、起伏升降的三个阶段 从1980年到现在的十年间,黑龙江省国营建筑企业的经济效益(本文仅指企业实现的利润),是在改革逐步深入、经济政策调整变化的环境中起伏升降、往来徘
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在治理整顿中,建筑构件企业同样经受着严峻的考验,我们始终坚持以企业升级为动力,优化工厂小气候,提高企业整体素质,以开拓求生存,向管理要效益,双管齐下。 In the process
美国Finnigan公司已于今年上半年归属于美国Thermo Electron Co. 并属于该公司子公司Thermo Inst-rument systems Inc.。.英国Kratos已于去年归属日本Shi-madzu In the firs
由中国贸促会机电分会、中国机械工程学会环保专业学会、德国机械与设备制造商协会环保中心承办的“北京国际环境保护、资料综合利用技术及装备交流览展会”将于1990 The