Levels in ~(13)N examined by ~(12)C+p elastic resonancescattering with thick target

来源 :中国物理C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pplhome
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The elastic resonance scattering of 12C+p has been studied in inverse kinematics via a novel thick target method at GIRAFFE facility of HI-13 tandem accelerator laboratory, Beijing. The recoil protons were measured by a △E-E counter telescope based on a large area double-sided silicon strip detector at laboratory angles around θ0 = 15°. The excitation function for 12C(p,p) elastic scattering has been obtained over a wide energy range of Ec.m.=0.31—3.45 MeV, which was explained quite well by the R-matrix calculation with known resonance parameters of the first three levels in 13N nucleus. Thus it is demonstrated that the present setup can be directly applied to the study of elastic resonance scattering with secondary radioactive beams. The elastic resonance scattering of 12C + p has been studied in inverse kinematics via a novel thick target method at GIRAFFE facility of HI-13 tandem accelerator laboratory, Beijing. The recoil protons were measured by a? EE counter telescope based on a large area double The excitation function for 12C (p, p) elastic scattering has been obtained over a wide energy range of Ec. m. = 0.31-3.45 MeV, which was explained quite well by the R-matrix calculation with known resonance parameters of the first three levels in 13N nucleus. Thus it is demonstrated that the present setup can be directly applied to the study of elastic resonance scattering with secondary radioactive beams.
The statistical model has been very successful in describing the heavy-ion collision at the intermediate and relativistic energies. Both heat capacity and avera
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