Study on microscale adhesion between solid surfaces with scanning probe

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyuanliang520
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The adhesion between two parallel solid surfaces is of great interest with the rapid development of micro-nano devices and instruments.The adhesion forces between a flat tip with a diameter~1.7μm and some surface have been determined by recording the force-displacement curves with an atomic force microscope(AFM).The flat tip is used to prevent wear and mimic the adhesion between two parallel surfaces.The free energy of the solid surface is calculated by the contact angles between the probe liquids and the surface.The adhesion force between parallel solid surfaces cannot be predicted by the theory of thermodynamic surface free energy.The adhesion measurements were carried out under ambient conditions,in a nitrogen-filled glove box,under distilled water,and under potassium chloride(KCl)solution.The outcome shows that the real contact area without the applied load is only a small proportion of the apparent contact area.The measurement stability and repeatability of adhesion by the AFM depend on the surface characterization,measurement methods and the environment.Under different environments,there are different interactions and factors affecting the adhesion force,and the dominant interactions and factors may be different too.The various interactions and factors are mutually coupled to determine the final adhesion force. The adhesion between two parallel solid surfaces is of great interest with the rapid development of micro-nano devices and instruments. The adhesion forces between a flat tip with a diameter ~ 1.7μm and some surface have been determined by recording the force-displacement curves with an atomic force microscope (AFM). The flat tip is used to prevent wear and mimic the adhesion between two parallel surfaces. The free energy of the solid surface is calculated by the contact angles between the probe liquids and the surface. adhesion force between parallel solid surfaces can not be predicted by the theory of thermodynamic surface free energy. the adhesion measurements were carried out under ambient conditions, in a nitrogen-filled glove box, under distilled water, and under potassium chloride (KCl) solution. the real contact area without the applied load is only a small proportion of the apparent contact area. The measurement stability and repeatability of adhesion by the AFM de pend on the surface characterization, measurement methods and the environment. There are different interactions and factors affecting the adhesion force, and the dominant interactions and factors may be different too. The various interactions and factors are mutually coupled determine the final. adhesion force.
系统性血管炎(Systemic Vasculitis)又称血管炎综合征,是指以血管炎性病变为主的一组全身性疾病.临床上常以病因是否清楚而分为原发性和继发性血管炎. 原发性血管炎:包括结
1 临床资料1991年至1994年我院共收治横位53例,其中17侧收治前曾被乡、镇医院误诊为臀位(足位)经 1 Clinical data 1991 to 1994 in our hospital were treated 53 cases of
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