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郭沫若先生曾说:“大凡一个作家或诗人总要有对于言语的敏感。这东西‘如水到口,冷暖自知’,这种敏感的培养在少儿时代的教育很重要。”还记得我以前上学时的情景,每天早上背着书包踏入学校的大门,迎面传来一阵阵朗朗的读书声,觉得真是好听极了。现在回想起来,在那抑扬顿挫、悦耳动听的读书声中,那种“如水到口,冷暖自知”的语感已经在心中慢慢萌芽了。朗读是语感培养的最基本的手段,它能有效地培养学生对语言的感悟能力,帮助学生加深对文本的理解,还能使学生从中受到情感的熏陶。在新课程改革的大好背景下,让我们重新诠释朗读教学,让朗朗书声回归课堂。 Mr. Guo Moruo once said: “Generally, a writer or poet always has the sensitivity to speech. This thing is ’like water and mouth, warm and cold self-knowledge’, this sensitive training in children’s education is very important.” Remember me Before the school scene, every morning carrying a schoolbag into the school gate, head-on waves of reading Lang Lang, I feel really good. Now, in retrospect, the sound of “sweet and sour, self-aware” in the preoccupied, sweet-sounding reading has slowly begun to germinate in my heart. Reading aloud is the most basic means of cultivating sense of language. It can effectively cultivate students’ ability of comprehending the language, help students to deepen their understanding of the text, and help students to be influenced by emotion. In the context of the new curriculum reform, let us reinterpret reading aloud, so that Lang Lang returned to the classroom.
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The poor are very wonderful people.One evening we went out and we picked upfour people from the street. And one of them The poor are very wonderful people.One
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3月 19日至 2 3日 ,都江堰灌区续建配套与节水改造一期工程项目建议书在都江堰市通过了由水利部组织的专家审查。该项目总投资 2 1 2 2亿元。都江堰一期续建配套与节水改造骨