Study on Pollution Sources and Degree of Sedi- ments in Northwestern Rivers Flowing into Taihu Lake

来源 :气象与环境研究:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shyan
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[Objective]The study aimed to analyze the pollution sources and degree of sediments in seven northwestern rivers flowing into Taihu Lake. [Method]Based on a survey for the sediments in seven rivers flowing into the northwestern Taihu Lake from 2005 to 200
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关键词:消肿止痛酊;质量标准;薄层鉴别  中图分类号:R284.1 文献标识码:A  文章编号:1007-2349(2008)09-0044-02  消肿止痛酊系由盘龙区中医院骨外科提供用于治疗各种创伤、关节、腰腿、颈椎等肿痛,胀痛等的中药复方制剂,已批准为院内制剂,经过5年的临床观察,治疗效果满意,质量稳定,标准可控。现将质量标准中的薄层鉴别探讨报告如下。
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