
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bitbull_cn
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举世瞩目、盛况空前、影响深远的党的十九大刚刚胜利闭幕,水利部迅即传达贯彻党的十九大精神,发出了奋力开创中国特色水利现代化新局面的强劲号召。水利系统各级党组织要高度重视,周密部署,全力落实,迅速掀起学习十九大、宣传十九大、贯彻十九大的热潮,把思想和行动统一到党的十九大精神上来,把智慧和力量凝聚到落实党的十九大重大战略部署上来。进入新时代,迎接新使命,迈向新征程。党的十九大站在“两个一百年”奋斗目标历史交汇期的 Attracting worldwide attention, the grand occasion of unprecedented prosperity and the profound influence of the 19 th CPC National Congress have just won the victory. The Ministry of Water Resources immediately conveyed and implemented the spirit of the 19th NPC and issued a vigorous call for striving to create a new situation in modernization of water conservancy with Chinese characteristics. The Party organizations at all levels of the water conservancy system should attach great importance to these plans and deploy them in full intensity so that they will implement all their best and promptly set off the upsurge of studying the 18th CPC National Congress, publicizing the 19th CPC National Congress and implementing the 19th National Congress and unifying their thinking and actions with the 19th CPC National Congress. Wisdom and strength are united in implementing the major strategic plan of the 19th CPC National Congress. Enter a new era, meet new missions and move towards a new journey. The 19th National Congress of the CPC stands at the crossroads of the historic goal of “two hundred and one hundred years” struggle
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本文报道了多效唑对于控制二晚秧苗生长的形态和解剖学表现及其与植物内源激素的关系。试验结果表明:(1)在二晚秧苗一叶一心期亩施300ppm 的多效唑100公斤,能有效地抑制秧苗