绿满红土地 情洒生态城——江西省宜春军分区组织民兵开展“双十争先”活动纪实

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江西宜春,有着光荣的革命传统,被誉为赣西强市、生态名城。自1997年以来,宜春军分区以“双十争先”活动为载体的民兵参建活动,如火如荼,经久不衰,犹如阵阵春潮,吹绿了宜春大地。 一片片谏言,探索出民兵参建的新思路 随着形势的发展,民兵参建层次不高、活动形式不规范、组织较为零散等问题,制约了参建效果的提高。1997年初,宜春军分区领导先后带领机关干部到10个县(市、区)进行调研,广泛征求地方各级党、政领导和民兵的意见、建议。有的认为民兵参建要着眼形势、任务和时代特征,在适应中求发展,不断丰富活动内容,拓 Jiangxi Yichun, has a glorious revolutionary tradition, known as the strong city in Jiangxi Province, an ecological city. Since 1997, the participation in the militia building activities carried out by the Yichun Army Division in the “double-to-compete” campaign has been in full swing for a long time, just like the spring tide bursts of spring, blowing the green of Yichun. A piece of admonition to explore the new mentality of the militia to participate in construction With the development of the situation, militia is not high level of participation in the building, activities in the form of non-standard, more fragmented organizations and other issues, restricting the effectiveness of the proposed construction. In early 1997, leaders of the Yichun Army Division successively led cadres to carry out investigations and studies in 10 counties (cities and districts) and solicited opinions and suggestions from Party and government leaders and militia groups at various levels. Some think that the participation of militiamen should focus on the situation, tasks and characteristics of the times, seek development through adaptation, and continuously enrich the contents of activities.
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白手起家的老海成了千万富翁,可他却有一桩难了的心事。独生女儿小溪已经二十四岁了,还没有正式的男朋友。追求她的小伙子倒是排着长队,可老海总觉得人家都是看上了他的钱,不是真心对他女儿好。  小溪重点大学毕业,性格温柔和顺,可她遗传了她妈的水桶身材,又遗传了她爸的非洲皮肤,还变异出了一片兔唇。虽然老海给她在最好的医院做了修复手术,又在最好的美容院做了整形手术,不细看根本看不出异样,但听她说话,还是感觉有