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目的了解广州造船厂4 990名在职工人的健康状况及其主要影响因素。方法对2014年广州市2家造船厂的4 990名在岗工人进行年度职业健康检查,并按照《职业健康监护技术规范》进行健康评价。结果被检查的4 990名工人中,有50.60%的职工发现疾病或检查呈阳性,其中肺部X线异常女性显著高于男性,听力损伤、鼻炎男性显著高于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。非条件logistic回归分析,性别(OR=0.33)、接触职业病危害因素种数(OR=29.294)、接害工龄(OR=2.42)是影响工人健康的主要因素,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论广州市2家船厂工人职业健康状况不容乐观,性别、接触职业病危害因素种数和接害工龄是其主要影响因素,应加强对造船工人的健康教育,改良生产工艺,改善生产环境,做好职业健康防护工作。 Objective To understand the health status of 4 990 active workers in Guangzhou Shipyard and its main influential factors. Methods The annual occupational health examination was conducted on 4 990 laid-off workers at two shipyards in Guangzhou in 2014 and the health evaluation was conducted in accordance with the Technical Specifications for Occupational Health Monitoring. Results Among the 4,990 workers who were examined, 50.60% of the workers found that the disease or examination was positive. Among them, the number of X-ray abnormalities in women was significantly higher than that in men, and the hearing impairment and rhinitis were significantly higher in men than in women (the difference was statistically significant ( P <0.05). Non-conditional logistic regression analysis showed that there were significant differences between the sexes (OR = 0.33), the number of occupational hazards (OR = 29.294) and the length of service injury (OR = 2.42) ). Conclusion The occupational health status of two shipyard workers in Guangzhou is not optimistic. The number of sex workers, occupational hazards and the length of service injuries are the main influencing factors. Health education for shipbuilders should be strengthened, the production process should be improved and the production environment should be improved. Occupational health protection work.
主要阐述了色彩心理学及色彩调和理论 ,并针对辐射成像及其应用特点 ,提出了将色彩学中的调和理论应用于辐射成像的伪彩色的处理技术中的新方法。 Mainly elaborated the th
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