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传统结论认为,添差官的出现是宋朝官吏冗滥的结果或表现。其实,就宋代地方添差官的设置而言,是宋神宗为了便于推行改革措施或解决政务之需。宋哲宗朝大批变革派被贬为地方添差监当官、宗室添差地方官制度出台、归朝和归明人添差地方官的出现,使地方添差官的性质复杂化。宋徽宗将宗室添差地方官分为厘务和不厘务两类,地方添差官性质分化、数量增加,且逐渐遍及州县。南宋为了激励将士英勇作战,将退役兵官、离军将佐、十三处立战功人相继安置为地方添差官,归正、归附者可多次添差地方官,使地方添差官数量进一步增加。南宋添差通判大多厘务且置公廨,后逐步演变为地方官僚实体的重要组成部分。地方添差官演变过程折射出宋代不同时期的时代特色。 The traditional conclusion is that the emergence of Tim Chalmers is the result or manifestation of the excessive production of officials in the Song Dynasty. In fact, in terms of the establishment of local government officials in the Song Dynasty, it is necessary for Song Shenzong to facilitate the implementation of reform measures or to solve government affairs. Song Zhezong toward a large number of reformists was derogated as local Tim poor supervision officer, imperial clan territorial local government system introduced to the Ming and the Ming Dynasty Timor local officials, the nature of the local Tim poor officer complex. Song Huizong divides the imperial clan territories into two parts, the centuries and the discrepancies, and the local places are poorly differentiated and their numbers increase gradually. And they gradually spread throughout the prefectures and counties. In order to encourage the soldiers to bravely fight, the Southern Song Dynasty will retired military officers and soldiers and set foot on the army. Thirteen meritorious people will successively be placed as local specialists and returned to the country. Further increase. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the majority of the people in the Timor-Tropheli imposed substantive decree and set aside public funds and gradually evolved into an important part of local bureaucratic entities. The process of the evolution of local Timorese Jin reflects the characteristics of the times in different periods of Song Dynasty.
本文用生存分析方法,对坦克分段寿命试验进行了统计分析,并从理论上说明了坦克分段寿命试验的合理性. In this paper, by means of survival analysis, the statistical ana
本刊讯继99年度中国资产评估协会确定立项的14个资产评估理论研究课题之后,2000年又确定了15项研究课题,现予以公布。中评协确定2000年理论研究课题 Sinorama Following the study of
中国古代思想家荀子说:欲观千岁,则数今日。 Xunzi, an ancient Chinese thinker, said: For the sake of Chitose, the number of today.
“我和禽流感第一次打交道,开始于阿拉斯加的掘墓。当时,我25岁。”到今天,约翰·赫尔廷仍能清楚记得每一个细节:“那是一个12岁的因纽特少女,容颜姣好,完好无损。她穿一身蓝色长袍,乌黑的大辫子梳得整整齐齐,一直垂到胸际,辫梢上系着红色的丝带。她死于1918年冬天,村里80口人只活下来9个。仅仅3天时间,所谓的‘西班牙流感’就夺去了71条生命。”    “西班牙流感”村庄探险    1949年10月的