生逢其时 崭露头角——记青年女导演嘉娜

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嘉娜这个名字颇有点异国味道,噢,嘉娜的后边还应加上一个圆点,然后还有哈堤克三个字,全名为嘉娜·哈堤克。第一次听说嘉娜这个名字是因为她在影片《红樱桃》摄制组担任副导演,负责该片在俄罗斯拍摄与俄方联系事宜还兼任翻译。那时就知道她是莫斯科国立电影大学导演系刚刚毕业的中国留学生,长得特像外国人,再加上她这个“洋”名字,想当然地认为她可能是个有俄罗斯血统的中国人吧。第一次见到其庐山真面目,是在今年初在人民大会堂举行的电视剧《钢铁是怎样炼成的》首映式上,此时她已是该剧的导演(总导演是韩刚)。 The name of Jana is rather exotic. Oh, there should be a polka dot behind Jana, and then there is the word “Hatyake,” whose name is Jana Hatti. The first time I heard that the name of Jana because of her film “Red Cherry” as a deputy director of the crew, in charge of the film shooting in Russia and Russia also part-time translator. At that time, she knew she was a Chinese student just graduating from the directorial department of the Moscow State University of Film and Film. She looked very much like a foreigner and, with her “foreign” name, taken it for granted that she might be a Chinese of Russian origin. For the first time, I saw the true colors of Lushan, which was premiered at the beginning of this year at the Great Hall of the People. It was at this time that she was the director of the show (director Han Gang).
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