
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huandakedi222
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当前,在卫生改革的大潮中,如何使基层卫生院进一步深化改革,加强科学管理,改善服务态度,提高服务质量,走良性循环的路子是摆在卫生行政部门面前的首要问题。近年来,永靖县卫生局针对全县18所乡镇卫生院(其中山区14所,川塬4所)发展滞后的原因,根据国家有关政策,在领导体制、组织机构、人事制度和分配机制等方面进行了一系列改革,为稳定乡镇基层卫生队伍,促进乡镇卫生院发展,维护人民健康工 At present, in the tide of health reform, how to make grassroots hospitals further deepen reforms, strengthen scientific management, improve service attitudes, and improve service quality, and taking a virtuous circle is the most important issue facing health administrative departments. In recent years, the Yongjing County Health Bureau pointed to the reasons for the lagging development of 18 township health centers in the county (including 14 mountainous regions and 4 Chuanyu). According to the relevant national policies, the leadership system, organizational structure, personnel system, and distribution mechanism are among the reasons. A series of reforms have been carried out to stabilize the grassroots health team in townships, promote the development of township hospitals, and safeguard the people’s health.
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I一c番 每分钟76拍 (5 5. 5 .6 35 徐诚直词 杨林曲 l尸产一一~、、‘二!.,,至, 67 13!2-一2 67】2 13一21,3- 二二留吕二吕留二二吕二二吕二二留二吕二留 垒通』红。一}7·:
研究ABCE1对肺癌(95-D和NCI-H446)细胞的作用.使用RNA干扰技术,抑制ABCE1基因的表达,通过Western blot分析及FACS检测,观察ABCE1基因对E-钙黏附蛋白在95-D/NCI-H446细胞表达
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蛋白质磷酸化是细胞信号传递中的一个重要环节 ,其中MAPKs(Ser Thr蛋白激酶家族 )可使多种细胞膜及核蛋白磷酸化 ,是细胞对外界刺激 (如丝裂原 )反应的重要调控者。核糖体亚
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洒一江春晖,吟诵你碧波荡漾的诗行; 染一江春绿,点级你锦峰秀岭的画廊。 春江水暖,你用春的诗行滋润原野, 春意盎然,你用春的画廊展示畜丽山川。 啊,富春江,富饶的江, 你富庶