人教版英语阅读课教学设计 必修三?Unit 4 How Life Began on the Earth

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  Ⅰ. The type of the lesson---reading level
  Ⅱ. Analysis of the teaching material
  This unit is mainly about astronomy, and the reading passage talks about the development of life on the earth. It shows how life began on the earth by explain a widely accepted theory that the universe started with a Big Bang. The text is well organized in the order of time, and clearly shows the process of how life developed on the earth. As a topic related to science and astronomy, the students have great interests in it. This will help the student to learn about the process of the development of life on the earth.
  Ⅲ. Analysis of the students
  This is the second term for the students in Senior High School, so they have adapted to the study in High School. Although this passage is about science, students will be interested in the topic and eager to explore more. At the same time it is also a little hard for the students to understand. Lots of words&expressions about science and biology are involved.
  So, I will pay attention to the students in different levels, in order to make everyone experience the happiness of learning.
  Ⅳ. Teaching aims
  Knowledge objectives:
  1.To learn about the key words and expressions in this passage use them in proper situations.
  2.To know how life began on the earth and try to talk about the process of the development of life on the earth.
  Ability objectives:
  1.To practice the students’ reading ability, especially their prediction skimming and scanning ability.
  2. Student are able to retell the process of the development of life on the earth in English.
  Emotional objectives:
  1. To arouse students’ desire of learning about science and astronomy.
  2. To encourage students to protect the earth.
  Ⅴ. Important points and difficult points
  Key points:
  1. The practice of improving students’ ability of reading skills.
  2. Get the students to catch the main idea of the passage and to know how life began on the earth..
  Difficult points:
  To use what have been learned to express how life began on the earth.
  Ⅵ. Teaching methods
  Task-based Language Learning
  Communicative language learning
  Ⅶ. Teaching aids
  PPT multi-media
  Ⅷ. Teaching procedures
  Step 1: Lead-in
  Enjoy some pictures and know different lives on the Earth.
  Students will discuss about how did humans come to the earth?   Step 2: Scanning and Skimming
  Students will read the passage on quickly.
  Task1: Try to match the right main idea of each paragraph.
  Task2:How many parts can the passage be divided into?
  Paragraph 1 A Widely accepted theory about how the universe was formed.
  Paragraph 2 The formation of the earth.
  Paragraph 3 The importance of water for life.
  Paragraph4 The development of plants and animals on the earth.
  Paragraph 5 The arrival of humans and their impact on the earth.
  Step 3: Detailed reading
  Students will watch a short video about the origin of the Earty, then read part 1 carefully and complete different designed activities.
  Part 1(para1-3): The development of the earth.
  Task1. Let students read this part carefully and find out the answers.
  Task2. Sum on The development of the earth.
  List what happened in the order of time.
  Task3. Retelling
  Retell the process of the development of the earth according to the passage and the picture I give.
  Part 2(4-5): The development of life.
  Students will watch a short video about the development of life on the Earty, then read this part 2 carefully and complete different designed activities.
  (1)What life developed after water appeared?
  (2)What life developed in water next?
  (3)What life developed after the life in water?
  (4)What life developed next on land?
  (5)The green plants grew into forests
  (6)What life developed after forests appeared?
  (7)What life developed after dinosaurs?
  (8)What life developed after mammals?
  Task2. Make a timeline of the development of life
  Task3. Read para. 5 carefully and find out the answer.
  (1).What problem is caused by human being?
  They caused global warming
立足五维目标设计课外评价活动的意义:  英语新课程标准指出,积极有效、可行的评价方式,可以让老师及时掌握学生的学习信息,以便调整给学生布置的学习任务。并有利于学生明确学习方向,调控学习策略。更有利于家长和社会了解学生的学习情况,教学目标和教育发展方向,共同推进小学英语课程实施。因此,只有立足小学英语新课标五维目标来设计课外评价活动,才能切实提高评价的有效性。  下面将以老师布置五年级学生读绘本故事
教材内容:  湘教版八年级上册第七单元《让世界充满爱》  教学目标:  1.让同学们在各种爱心故事、演唱、表演等活动中体验、感受“爱”是人类永恒不变的主题。  2.主要学习主题和第一声部的内容,能完整演唱歌曲。  3.在学习中 ,探索学唱新歌的方法,练习自然而有感情地演唱,注意保护嗓子。  4.培养学生自主、合作、探究的学习方式。   1.探索学唱新歌的方法,练习自然而有感情地演唱。  2.启发学
背景与导读:  《三角形的内角和》是义务教育课程标准实验教科书数学(人教版)四年级下册内容。这节课是在学生学习了三角形的分类和特性之后,知道了三角形任意两边之和大于第三边之后进行学习的。新课程标准提出“教师应激发学生的学习积极性,向学生提供充分从事数学活动的机会,帮助他们在白士探索和合作交流的过程中真正理解和掌握基本的数学知识与技能、数学思想和方法”。这一理念要求教师充分利用教材提供的资源进行教学
一、 教学设计说明  依据2017版普通高中数学课程标准的要求,“平面解析几何”这一单元的学习,主要包括直线与方程,圆与方程,圆锥曲线与方程,*平面解析几何的形成与发展等学习内容,有利于养成和提升学生的直观想象、逻辑推理、数学建模、数学运算和数学抽象等学科素养。  在“椭圆及其标准方程”的设计中,秉持促进数学核心素养发展的教育理念,突出“数学发现学习”,采用折纸和Geogebra动态绘图软件辅助教
摘要:《课程标准》强调:品德课教学,必须从教材内容和学生的思想实际出发,多方面创设情境,引导学生主动地参与,切实提高品德课实效。于是,教师十分重视“情境的创设”,但认识上的偏差,让情境成为课堂的“摆设”。针对这一现象,笔者尝试在互联网+环境下,建立“情境体验”式课堂。在真切地体验、领悟中形成独特的感受和认识。  关键词:互联网+环境下 法治 “情境体验”式课堂  一、互联网+环境下,“情境体验”式
一、案例背景  我进入到幼儿园后,在中班遇到喜欢拿别人东西的孩子,在班上经常发生孩子丢东西的事情,我用了各种方法帮孩子寻找失物和爱拿别人东西的孩子,并对孩子采取了一些措施且取得一定的效果。  二、案例资料  实录一:星期一早上,纯德小朋友满脸笑容地拿着漂亮的陀螺对我说:“老师,妈妈昨天给我买的陀螺”我回答说:“你的陀螺真好看!”说完他笑眯眯地找同伴玩去了。吃完午餐后,小朋友选择自己喜欢的区角安静地
教学课题:  金属材料  教学目标:  (一)知识与技能  1. 了解常见金属的性质,知道金属的性质既有共性又有特殊性;  2. 理解并应用物质的性质和用途的关系;  3. 了解合金的概念,知道合金改良了金属的性能;  4. 了解生活中大量使用的是合金。  (二)过程与方法  1.通过汇报交流课前整理好的金属的相关知识,学生复习并应用研究单一物质的一般过程,感受获得知识角度的多样性;  2.通过对