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问:都说性生活时女性的“爱液”分泌越多,就表示性反应越强,自然更易获得高潮。可在我身上,这规律却失效了。这是为什么呢?答:所谓爱液,实际上是两情缱绻之际,阴道腺体自然而然分泌出的一种黏液,这是一种正常的生理反应。该液体主要起润滑作用,有助于阴茎插入,也有效避免了“硬摩擦”带来的不适。爱液的出现表示女性的性兴奋程度较高,已经为即将到来的性生活做好了准备,也为到达性高潮创造了良好条件。但这与性爱过程中男性阴茎勃起到一定硬度相同,只是说明人 Q: When women say “sex liquid” in sex life, the more they are secreted, the stronger the sexual response and the easier it is to get the climax. But on my body, this law has failed. This is why? A: The so-called love solution, in fact, the occasion of the two conditions, the vaginal gland naturally secreted a mucus, which is a normal physiological reaction. This liquid acts primarily as a lubricant, helping to insert the penis and effectively avoiding discomfort caused by “hard rubs.” The emergence of loving liquid indicates that women have a higher degree of sexual excitement and are ready for the upcoming sexual life and create favorable conditions for reaching orgasm. But this is the same with the erection of male penile erection to a certain degree of hardness during sexual intercourse, just to explain people
大多数妇女绝经发生在45~55岁之间,在绝经前及绝经后共约20余年时间称之为更年期,在这段时期,身体的内分泌功能已发生很大的变化,由卵巢分泌的雌激素急骤降至最低水平,引发了一系列植物神经功能失调为主的症候群,统称为更年期综合征。  女性更年期主要症状  月经变化  这是最早、最常见的变化,月经间隔时间紊乱,月经的经期也表现不规则,或缩短、或延长,血量有时增多,有时减少,或淋漓不尽。也有少数妇女绝经
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