Syntheses, Structures, and Properties of Three Coordination Polymers: [Cd_2(bpp)_(1.5)(Hbpp)(phen)_2

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Hydrothermal reactions of three aromatic polycarboxylic acids and the transitional metal cations in the presence of phen and 1,4-bib afford three new coordination polymers: [Cd2(bpp)1.5(Hbpp)(phen)2]n(1), [Mn3(Htptc)2(phen)2(H2O)2]n(2), and {[Cu(btc)0.5(1,4- bib)]·2H2O}n(3)(H2bpp = 2,6-bis(4’-carboxyphenyl)-4-phenylpyridine, H4tptc = terphenyl-2,5,2’,5’-tetracarboxylic acid, H4btc = biphenyl-2,2’,4,4’-tetracarboxylic acid, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, and 1,4-bib = 1,4-bis(1H-imidazol-1-yl)benzene). Their structures have been determined by singlecrystal X-ray diffraction analyses, elemental analyses, IR spectra, and powder X-ray diffraction(PXRD) analyses. In compound 1, the CdII cations are linked by bpp2- to form one ladder structure, based on which a 3D network is constructed with the help of non-covalent interactions. The topology of 2 is a 3D(3,4,5)-connected framework with the Point Schl?fli symbol of(42.6)32(4.62.8)(45.64.8)2. Compound 3 shows an unprecedented 3D(4,4)-connected framework with the Point Schl?fli symbol of(64.82)2(65.8). Moreover, the luminescent property of 1 has been investigated. Hydrothermal reactions of three aromatic polycarboxylic acids and the transitional metal cations in the presence of phen and 1,4-bib afford three new coordination polymers: [Cd2 (bpp) 1.5 (Hbpp) (phen) 2] n (Htptc) 2 (phen) 2 (H2O) 2] n (2), and {[Cu (btc) 0.5 (1,4-bib)] · 2H2O} n 4’-carboxyphenyl) -4-phenylpyridine, H4tptc = terphenyl-2,5,2 ’, 5’-tetracarboxylic acid, H4btc = biphenyl- 2,2’, 4,4’-tetracarboxylic acid, phenanthroline, and 1,4-bib = 1,4-bis (1H-imidazol-1-yl) benzene). Their structures have been determined by singlecrystal X-ray diffraction analyzes, elemental analyzes, IR spectra, and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) analyzes. In compound 1, the CdII cations are linked by bpp2- to form a ladder structure, based on which a 3D network is constructed with the help of non-covalent interactions. The topology of 2 is a 3D (3 , 4,5) -connected framework with the Point Schl? Fli symbol of (42.6) 32 (4.62.8) (45.64.8) 2. Compound 3 shows an unprecedented 3D (4,4) framework with the Point Schl? fli symbol of (64.82) 2 (65.8). Moreover, the luminescent property of 1 has been investigated.
1 病历摘要患者,女,26岁。平素体健,孕期定期孕检无异常。孕41W,G2Po,IDA 待产,给缩宫素静脉滴注引产,会阴侧切助娩1女婴3700克,胎盘30分钟后未娩出,行徒手剥离胎盘,胎盘牵
我院自1998年1月开展新式剖腹产,取得良好效果,报道如下。1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料本组行新式子宫下段剖宫产共125例为观察组,年龄21岁~34岁,平均年龄27.5岁,均为初产妇,孕