珍爱生命 救死扶伤 内蒙古妇幼保健院 内蒙古第二医院竭诚为您提供满意的医疗服务

来源 :内蒙古质量技术监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suifengangle
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内蒙古妇幼保健院、内蒙古第二医院是自治区唯一一家集保健、医疗、科研、教学、培训为一体的现代新型医疗机构,先后荣获“爱婴医院”、“百佳医院”、“患者满意单位”、“市文明单位”和“全国百姓放心医院”称号。医院新生儿科、产科被自治区评为临床医学领先学科。院长张 Inner Mongolia Maternal and Child Health Hospital and Inner Mongolia Second Hospital are the only modern medical institutions that integrate health care, medical treatment, scientific research, teaching, and training together. They have won the “Baby-Friendly Hospital,” “Panjia Hospital,” and “Satisfaction Unit for Patients.” , “City Civilization Unit” and “National People Reliable Hospital” title. The hospital neonatal department and obstetrics were rated as leading disciplines in clinical medicine by the autonomous region. Dean Zhang
在全国各族人民认真学习、贯彻党的十六大会议精神的热潮中 ,新的一年悄然而至。十六大是在新世纪新阶段召开的十分重要的党的代表大会 ,对于中国共产党和我们国家事业的发展
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AIM:To objectively evaluate the effect of TJ-68 oncolonic spasms during colonoscopy.METHODS:One hundred and one patients subjected toscreening colonoscopy were